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Switching dsl takes to long I had att dsl  speed 700/188 for $30 so I see verizon is available in my area  3mb/768 so I called verizon I got freedom package with 3mb dsl  2/28/05 todays is 3/17/05 know my dsl is cancle,know verizon said I have dsl service from other comany on my landline that's why they having trouble getting verizon dsl line on my telephone so I called att they it will cost $200 buck for early termination fee for cancel ur att wtf scam? they said u have 1 year comitment tha'ts why u gotta pay $200 for signal clear from ur telephone line. :cry:

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Welcome to the Forum  enya2005  :hello:

i nver liked contracts they suck, if i dont like it i gotta stay till end of contract that pisses me off :angry5:

do you have cable in your area, if so who, what speeds (package), and how much a month?

what other dsl can you get? speeds (package), and how much a month?

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Guest helloimtim

I would call verizon every day. Hassle them all the time. If they can not provide you with the service then let you out of your contract. Always ask for a supervisor when speaking to customer and or tec support. You complain enough and talk to as many as possible they will either fix it or let you out of your contract. Hassle them to no end.

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Well  other company like earthlink offering me $20 12x faster then dial up to slow  for me though, I really dont want that Slow internet connection and they have $30 for 1.5/368 same price as verizon, so I called att  said take ur dsl signal from my line ok they said ok that will $200 we will disconnect in 3 to 5 days u will get ur bill in 1 month So when they take there signal off from my line i will reorder from verizon not pay there $200 bullshit. :haha: HOPE IT WORKS.

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Well  other company like Earthlink offering me $20 12x faster then dial up to slow  for me though, I really dont want that Slow internet connection and they have $30 for 1.5/368 same price as verizon, so I called att  said take ur dsl signal from my line ok they said ok that will $200 we will disconnect in 3 to 5 days u will get ur bill in 1 month So when they take there signal off from my line i will reorder from verizon not pay there $200 bullshit. :haha: HOPE IT WORKS.

how many month you got left for ATT contract? $200 disconnection fee is expensive.

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