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How can I add a speed test server and company to the database?



I don't have a way for you to be added to the database, it's automatic.  Based on GeoIP data.  Clients that test from your IP blocks may or may not be detected as Cube-Host depending on your IP leasing.  If you own the IP space, then it should resolve to your name.  I update my GeoIP data a few times a year.   ... when TMN detects a client in your IP space it creates the databases, etc automatically.


This can be checked by testing the source https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip-demo and comparing to testmy.net IPTools


If you'd like to host speed test servers, you can enable the beta (under My Settings) and then see https://testmy.net/myserver.  You can use that to quickly setup test servers wherever you want.


Or you can donate VPS servers to TestMy.net and I can build them out into full test servers.


Let me know if you need any help,

- Damon 

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