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Opinion of Charleton Heston  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Opinion of Charleton Heston

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Hi all: The other topic was going in this direction so I decided to start a new poll on Charleton Heston.I am putting his filmography here:

  Date of birth (location)

4 October 1924

Evanston, Illinois, USA

(aparrently not French Stank_Ho)

Filmography as: Actor, Director, Miscellaneous Crew, Writer, Himself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances

Actor - filmography

(2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s) (1960s) (1950s) (1940s)

Genghis Khan (2004) .... Togrul

My Father, Rua Alguem 5555 (2003) .... The father (Josef Mengele)

... aka Meu Pai (Brazil: festival title)

... aka Pap

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Hi philp: I'm a fan of his  & made a quote in another poll I started .That was moving that topic toward Heston so I started this one. I bet a lot of members especially younger ones didn't realize how many movies & other things he had been in.


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This is a joke right? He's a mediocre actor at best. He's also a raving lunatic and head of one of the most evil organizations on earth.

Don't mess with the NRA guys, you are talking about my bros at heart.  Read my sig.

Like it is said, it ain't the gun that shoots you its the person holding it.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

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Don't mess with the NRA guys, you are talking about my bros at heart.  Read my sig.

Like it is said, it ain't the gun that shoots you its the person holding it.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

"A well regulated militia....."

Jethro and Cooter in a pickup truck does not qualify as a well regulated militia  :roll:

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Unfortunately there's no rule on posting lame threads.. :(

:haha: :haha: :haha:

One good thing about forums, a person can always go read another one.

Right??  Yank, Yank Chain.    He-he-he.

Jethro and Cooter wear handmade and hand caught alligator boots also.  Keep

a 12ga. and 30/30 hanging on the back window rack just in case they need to plug

something or someone.     

:roll: :roll: :?:lol: :lol:

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Yes I think Charlton Heston is probably one of if not the best actors in our lifetime(mine at least) and he had the right IDEA about the NRA and gun ownership. hard not to get away from the topic at hand after certain comments were made in this thread. I have yet to see a gun or any other  weapon get up by itself and hurt or kill someone or something, It allways requires someone to use it, I personally believe in the Second Amendment wholeheartedly.  Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. nuff said. Charlton Heston has my vote.

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Guest helloimtim

Myself I am torn on the whole gun issue. Just seems strange Canada has just as many guns but not near the problems. Personally I think its the news and news paper have allot to do with it. We have it shoved down our throat so much its almost second nature. Some one shoots some one else. Every day. We are almost numb to it. We accept it in a strange way. I have to wonder if. In time new and news papers stopped talking about the violence so much would it slow down allot. Who knows. Myself being lucky enough to head over seas for vacation. Spent time in Denmark. A country with no guns I was surprised by a few things. To see a woman with no top was nothing on regular TV. To see violence was rare. To see 2 people fist fight was common. No one was arrested. Yes I am old. In my youth a fight was a fight. Fair, and win loose or draw you lived to fight another day. Anymore get into a fight win loose or draw your gonna get arrested and maybe shot.Probally sued as well.  It is a complicated issue with no clear answers. Just my 2 cents.

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