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I want to get Verizon Fios but before I do I want to ask those existing Fios customers.

Currently I have Comcast cable internet which I run vpn to my network at home that has a website I'm hosting and a exchange server I'm running as a messaing system.  Do you know are these ports blocked on Verizon fios?  Port 80, 443, 25, GRE, 1723, and 21.

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I want to get Verizon Fios but before I do I want to ask those existing Fios customers.

Currently I have Comcast cable internet which I run vpn to my network at home that has a website I'm hosting and a exchange server I'm running as a messaing system. Do you know are these ports blocked on Verizon fios? Port 80, 443, 25, GRE, 1723, and 21.

They are definitely blocking 80.

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I am trying to run a small game server Call of Duty United Offensive. The game requires port 28960 to be open and I am having a hard to opening this port. Verizon doesnt block this port do they?

Are you using the D-Link router and do you have experience doing port forwarding?

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thats sounds like a very random port for us to block....i highly doubt that we block it.

i'd suggest if ur having trouble using that port go and see if your lan connection is firewalled in xp also check to make sure any firewall software you have is off then try fwding the port in the router to your computer's ip address. if that doesnt work feel free to IM me @ Tapion Mystic on AIM we'll get it working for ya.

or you COULD call the FSC if u want.


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I am using portforwarding with DI-604. I don't think its the router rather a windows problem, winxp. I have gone into my winxp firewall exceptions and into the advanced portion and open the port (28960) fired up the server and no go. I also have a little freeware program to check the open ports, according to the program after starting the server the port is not open :( Also thanks for your replies.

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