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First of all for u to get Windows XP on that new hard drive, you would have to have a XP disc, if u dont have one and do not want to waste money download it of a p2p sharing program like Morpheus or Limewire.  And, about the files on that old hard drive, u can either put transfer them to an external hard drive, or if u dont have an external hard drive the hard way would be burn everything onto CD's.  I hope that helped, if anyone has anything else to add, please do.

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if he has a good hard drive mirroring program, winxp should run on the new drive after its copied

GO HERE: http://support.wdc.com/download/downloadxml.asp#1  download data lifeguard tools and use drive to drive copy. Here's what it does:

Drive-To-Drive Copy

The Drive-To-Drive data copy utility will copy files from one drive partition to another or from one folder to another.  Drive-To-Drive copy will allow you to select a source and destination partition or folder for copying and will then copy all files from the source partition or folder into the destination partition or folder.  Existing files in the destination will be overwritten if there are files on the source with the same name.

When copying from partition to partition, if the destination partition is a primary partition, Drive-To-Drive copy will make the partition bootable.  This allows you to migrate your operating system to a new drive even if the drive was not partitioned using Data Lifeguard.

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