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how to start a web page

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i guess ill be the first one to answer ur question.....making a webpage is not really a hard task - if u're a biginner at it i recommend getting some kinda program to aid you in what you're trying to do....few simple programs that you might have available to use are microsoft frontpage (comes as an addon to microsoft office), macromedia dreamweaver, etc....these programs will help you a lot - aside from messing with them id recommend finding something you like on the web, a nice website in style you prefer, and opening that webpage up with one of those programs - that way you can observe the source code and learn techniques.....the basic way of building websites is HTML (hyper text markup language) which is fairly simply - aside from HTML, if you decide to get into it more you might wanna start working with serverside scripts and maybe even FLASH - but yeah i think i gave you a pretty good idea about where to start

in response to you hosting a website off of your computer, that can get a little tricky.....it requires a beefy internet connection, especially the UPLOAD portion of it.....instead of that id recommend looking for free hosting something like angelfire.com or similar....you can always buy your own hosting for 10 dolllars per month or cheaper....its all about what features you want.....

if you have any more questions about any of these, post again...ill try to answer

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Guest PeePs

I tried to set up the apache webserver program on my computer, but failed to every get it working so that people not connected on my network could see it. I tried changing the port it hosted on and i opened ports and everything, but nothing seemed to work. If your planning on running your own website I'd check to make sure your ISP allows that because if they don't it could make it difficult to get it working, If you still want to try Apache Webserver is probably the most widely used program, but is a lot more advanced.


If you want a more simple program just google for "HTTP servers", or "webserver software". Something along that line. Good luck  :D.

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