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Thanks to CA3LE for adding it, but I'm curious:

What are we supposed to get on that test?

First test gave me 330 kbps, and then around this speed:

:::.. Page Load Stats ..:::

Load Speed:: 507 Kbps or 62 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: loaded 10 50KB pages in 7.8 seconds

Strange thing is, at the start and end the pages load slower, pages 3 - 7 load like twice or three times as fast as pages 1 - 2 and 7 - 10.

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The thing is that I really don't know how to scale this test... it's completely new and that's why it's in beta stage.

Here is what I get

:::.. Page Load Stats ..:::

Load Speed:: 1063 Kbps or 130 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: loaded 10 50KB pages in 3.719 seconds

:::.. Page Load Stats ..:::

Load Speed:: 1782 Kbps or 217 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: loaded 10 100KB pages in 4.437 seconds

All the pages load at the same speed for me, I think I got the star rating about right... and the rating adjusts different for each test size, so your star rating should be about the same reguardless of what test you use --- for both of the tests I posted... I got 4 1/2 stars -- I think tomorrow I will add in the cut n paste the star rating :)

Everyone please give your feedback on this new tool....

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ehhh... I couldn't wait.. I added the star rating to the cut n paste

:::.. Page Load Stats ..:::

Subjective Rating:: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

Load Speed:: 1782 Kbps or 217 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: loaded 10 100KB pages in 4.437 seconds

Still thinking if I should do that to the other tests... feedback guys?

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Just so you know, the automatic cut'n'paste link doesn't work.

Adding stars to the cut'n'paste isn't that necessary IMHO, but fun. You never told us what speeds give a three star rating and such... :?

What's the most important setting at the new test? The maximum number of connections open at any time? And a higher ping must make a difference.

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Maximum connections should not matter because only one page is being requested at once... I am may make a test that requests all the pagesat once I haven't decided yet.

The most important thing that come into consideration is connection speed in conjunction with CPU speed and overall computer & browser health. Those are all factors on the regular download test but not nearly as much as with this test. This basically will tell you how fast you can surf the internet (not just download a file off the internet) and I don't think anyone has made a test like it... please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I do believe that would be illegal... That would be a DoS attack on you computer.. :lol: You would have to send so many requests that eventually you computer would become so overloads that the internet would stop completly... :cry: I am not sure what that would really tell you in the real world... I have on really quick question about this page load thing... If some one has their browser not to check for new versions of the page or doesnt have cookies on wouldnt after the first time they tested and after that one time they would then just get the speed result from the time that it took the page to load from cache??

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ah yes numion, that is pretty similar... but theirs request multiple pages at once.

Grrrr, I fried my main computer last night... I got up this morning and it was like "no man... I don't think so" ~~ I'm not even going to troubleshoot it I am just going to go get a new case/motherboard/CPU today -- I've been wanting to for a while anyway... ehhh, I got a very good life out of that mobo/cpu/case ~~ got it all in early 2002 I think, and the shit is still faster to the day than most of my friends :-P

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Dont Feel so bad Cable. Just the other night i was uninstalling Rhapsody, because it had a update conflic in it. So anyway after i uninstalled it, it uninstalled all of my program files. Whats up with that? im talking about 10 Gigs of shit! Im running norton anti virus 2004, and its up to date?

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