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I just got a GigaFast EE410 R router. I am currently running Windows XP. I do alot of downloading and sharing, I downloaded Badblue a sharing program, it allows me to upload files then have other users connect to download them. Well heres the problem it runs for me but when i give out the link others cant access. I read the support page and it says i may need to set up port forwarding on my router so others can connect. I tried portfowarding.com and they have dont my router. Also i have 2 computers hooked up. But i needed to share some files with friends out of states, i then disconnected my router and hook the cable straight to my Cable Modem with out using the router and restarted my computer and then they could access my file share link and download off me. I don't know to much about this. I just know when i plug directly into my Cable modem i can type in my ip address and search the files i uploaded and so can other users. But as soon as i hook my router up when i type in my ip it takes me straight to the Login screen to setup my router instead of the place where i would see my uploaded files. Other users just get a cant be displayed screen.

Like i said i am new to this and i don't know if i explained it well enough. Any help would be nice thanks so much.

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Welcome to the forum, BoxFan  :)

You need to first find out what ports need to be opened on the router.  The BadBlue site should provide the info...  I've attached a copy of the Manual for your router.  Configuration is different between routers and when you get the ports, let us know.

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Portforward.com does have the instructions for the 400 version of your 410. Since their in the same series I doubt that the setup for the 410 is radically different. I'll bet between those instructions and the Manual kindly supplied to you, you can figure it out.  Be sure to know the local IP of the machine your trying to forward to when setting up the router. You'll figure it out. What's the worse that can happen ?... You reset the router, and try again.  ;)

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Go to the special application option.  I believe that this is where you would set up the port forwarding.  As a side note, When someone tries to access your information, they will need to use the external ip of your router, not the ip of your machine (Because of having the router (Network Address Translation).  You can try to set it up with port 80.  Just fill in the trigger port (80), the ip address of your machine, tcp as the protocol and the public port (80), I assume. 

Edit:  Yes.  I would set that to 80 as well.  When someone tries to access it, they will need to use the routers external ip and may need to put  :80 at the end of the url eg:

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I would assume so, but have no experience with bit torrent.  If all you need to do for that software is forward the port, it would be the same (Might be a different port number though).  Not sure of the impact if both programs use the same port for listening.  You might have to change one of them if you have problems.  If you go to Start>Run and type in 'cmd' to get to a prompt the type 'netstat'

this will list the ports that are open and what state they are in (listening, established, etc.) and the remote connection to the port

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