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iso to dvd.........

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Guest helloimtim

Ok. I downloaded 3 huge bin files. I converted them to iso with winiso. How can I put all three iso files on one dvd disk. When useing nero which I have I used the burn image and tried to burn to blank dvd  but was unable to. I really dont want to "mount" the image to harddrive. Just thought it would be easier to burn all 3 iso files to dvd. Thanks........

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i understand what you are trying to do,

u have some .iso's, probably about 700MB each right?

u want to put them on a DVD, not a CD-R. So that you can fit MORE Onto the disc.

WELL, i know that when i get my linux installers, i look for DVD specific ISO's..

u can't just put an ISO meant for a cd-r, onto a dvd.

if you carouse some linux distro download sections, you will see the dvdiso's im talkin about.

here is an example:

Downloading the ISO Images

The ISO images are located at the following URL:




To install from a DVD that you plan to burn, download the following ISO image files:

For x86-compatible (32-bit): FC4-i386-DVD.iso (sha1sum: 2f151a7329846da685c2a72fcb40eba3e8a355a0)

For x86_64 (64-bit AMD64, EM64T): FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso (sha1sum: 2f166c7cff4e7334744d48e642b3287693d982ed)

For PowerPC (32-bit and 64-bit Macintosh, 64-bit pSeries): FC4-ppc-DVD.iso (sha1sum: 7bb39bb530ad0954f8faea585ebea23f40d5a010)

Note: If you are using HTTP or FTP to download, some download clients cannot handle the DVD image because it is larger than 4 gigabytes. Please refer to the documentation of your download client for details.

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