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well recently my cordless phone died so i put it in my room and forgot to put the filter on, the next day my internet dies so i then put the filter back on and now my internet is laggy ass hell, i like to play halo 2 and when im in a game i either red or yellow bar and i think it has somethin to do with my phone. i am on aliant dsl internet if that helps and i also scanned for viruses and spyware and adaware

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Hey JustinPO, welcome to the forum  :D

Be sure to reset your modem:

-turn off all computers and routers in the home

-turn off modem (disconnect power cord if you need to) and let sit for a while

-check that all phones have filters

-check that modem does not have a filter!

-check to ensure that all other cables are secure

-bring up modem, wait one minute

-bring up router (if you're on one), wait one minute

-bring up computer(s)

-check speed!

From what you've mentioned, it sounds hardware related.  This should help!

JustinPO : Basically what FallowEarth is having you do is a through power cycle..You should have unpluged any power cords or power supplies to everything but the PC & monitor when doing this.Bring up means turn back on (plug the power back in).Then the wait is to let the modem come completly back on;

then the same for the router; then start your PC

JustinPO: You said you put a filter back on the "bad" phone if you haven't already tried I would unplug that phone cord & all.

After that move your PC as close as you can to your  main connection(probably not the one in PC your room) . Connect only your PC to it no phones or other PC's if this corrects the speed problem then it's not your PC or modem.Its somewhere in the house wiring,Like  a bad filter ,phone jack,phone even if it is filtered,router anything else that might be connected.Unplug cords & all from the phone jacks because a phone cord can be bad.If its not your PC after you connect directly  try it from your room with everything else still disconnected.If you still have good speed there then add items back on the phoneline until you find the one causing the problem.

If your PC has bad lag connected the problem is in your PC or modem.Unless its in the phone companies wiring to the house..Do you have more than one PC in your house? Does the other PC have the same problem if you have another one?

Yes, sorry about the confusion, JustinPO.  Cholla, that's exactly what I meant.

JustinPO, are you on a router at home?  meaning, does your modem hook into your computer, or into another device (the router).  If you are on one, is it wireless?  If not, trouble could be in the phone lines.  That's the trouble with DSL, it's dependent on the phone lines, and higher traffic (more calls being made) during the day will affect the speed.  I have DSL at home and see the same fluctuations. 

The reason I ask about if you are on a wireless network is because many things going on during the day may affect the wireless signal.  There's not much you can do about that except get closer to the router or hardwire into it.

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