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Personal Average Results don't log

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Guest Anonymous

Since I've had a serious drop in my speed--at night only, but all night for 3 weeks now--and since Verizon DSL seems unable to fix or even identify the problem from the CO or Dallas or India or wherever, I persuaded them to send a technician here and I'd take a vacation day and wait. Now, this will probably be a waste because I'll test out fine--in the day. I really need this fixed, though, cause I'm so slow now I can't stay connected to a server at work. I thought I'd keep a log for a week to show them speed tests done at night. I used to get 750 Kbps (and found out that at 14,000 feet I could get an upgrade, but first things first). Now it's pitiful (see below)

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 192 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 23 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 3 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 44.52 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=NWWWD014J

I stumbled across your site--which is great, by the way, and has a lot of potential--and the first test I did on 9/6 registered, but nothing seems to go in the database after that. Is there anything I missed? Computer ID is 625058733679. I use a Mac, which unfortunately seems to be the answer for many partially functioning or misfunctioning programs and scripts. Modem and router are pretty standard and probably not relevant.

Thanks for any ideas.

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The number one reason logging does not work is the use of a firewall, either software or hardware. You're the first I know of that has a max and tests here as well :)

As for your below-par stats:

Spyware, bad internet settings, P2P sharing all could be causing it. What is your advertised download speed btw?

Very true make sure all firewalls are down --- also make sure you have a static IP

By the way, I hope I have this done soon. I will be adding a feature that will log your results under a username -- the username you have in the forum -- i have to tie some database stuff together though, and this isn't an easy task... but it is coming.

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