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July 9, 2005 3:06 PM PDT

Smart meters mean no free parking

It's one of life's little pleasures--a reward for all of the time and energy you've put into finding a parking spot in the first place. You go to put your only silver coin in the meter and--yippee--it's still got 25 minutes left.

Well, savor those moments, because it looks like technology is making them a thing of the past. A story on smart parking meters in the Wall Street Journal last month referred to meters in Pacific Grove, Calif., that know when a car pulls out of the spot and quickly reset to zero.

It's rare that stories on new technology make me sad. At least I was joined by some of the 13,368 visitors to a FARK.com discussion on the issue, who also feel like something is being taken away from them.

Posted by Michelle Meyers Source:Cnet Blogs

This proves my love-hate relashionship with technology. Mostly love though. :D

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They have had those in Cincinnati for a while now. Because of this:

CINCINNATI(Reuter) - A grandmother who captured national

attention when she was arrested for feeding coins into expired

parking meters sought to have the charges dropped Wednesday but

said she would not stop her crusade.

        The case was postponed until Nov. 22.

        ``There are not enough good deeds being done in this world

as it is,'' Sylvia Stayton, 62, told reporters outside court.

        Stayton said she had received nearly $350 from people eager

to support what she called her ``legal abuse defense fund.''

        She remained free on $1,900 bond after spending three hours

in jail following her Nov. 1 arrest in which an officer writing

tickets found her putting money in expired meters. The policeman

said he handcuffed her after she unleashed a torrent of abuse.

        Stayton could face up to a four-month sentence for

obstructing official business.

        Her attorney, David Scacchetti, argued that Stayton had been

subjected to an illegal search and seizure and could not have

known whether the cars she provided coins for ``had coined for

the maxiumum time allowed, or if they coined at all.''

        ``Mrs. Stayton's case has captured the hearts of people all

over this country,'' Scacchetti told reporters. ``We're not

talking a murder case here; we're talking about a kind, decent

woman who has never been arrested for anything before.''

meh, i don't think this is a good use of technology. it's just the cities wanting more money. how many times a day do you need to be taxed, really? you go to work, get part of your earnings taxed, then spend part of that on bills, and the rest on food and other items, which you get taxed on (food tax, sales tax, etc). how much is a city going to lose if you need to say, stop at a pharmacy to pick up a family member's medicine, see that there's still like 5 minutes left on the meter, so you quickly go inside and get out of there before it expires. it's just like if that first car was still there....

(okey-dokey, im done ranting ;))

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