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there is "good ping to have" but the lower then better u see like homeboy above said a higer fps game might not be so good.

this is because every frame per second u see the svr has to send to u and bak, if u have a higher ping honstly id say 200 and above it would be betetr to set a lower fps, also your conection matters alot, for example a 56k client could have a ping 200 and anywhare above, its not gona be typical for them to have lower, a dsl maybe 100 and above, sum dsl is realy fast and can produce cable pings ususaly 50 and above then going on to faster net services like t1, oem etc etc

rest ashured theres trhyings u cna always do to lower ping i would suggest going to the games website and searching 4 articles pretaining to ping loweing, also theres tons of software and even simple setings to lower ping even more

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