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Hi all,

  I was just wondering what speeds people with the 15/2 FIOS connection were getting on news.verizon.net?  Mine for some reason seems to be painfully slow, and I don't know what is wrong.  I have tried two different apps, GrabIt & NewsBin Pro, both give poor results.  I just tried using GrabIt, and when I went to d/l the headers from a group, it was transfering at like 500 Kbits (55-60 KB / sec), which to me seems very slow for a 15 Mbits down connection.  Is this normal?  Any ideas what I need to fix to get better speeds?  Do I need to forward any ports on my router, etc?  Thanks.


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One quick update.  I just tried out a trial usenet server, just to test.  They give 1.5 Mbits max to header d/l.  I just tried it, and I am getting that, so I know it is possible.  Is something wrong with the verizon server?  Why can I not get better speeds from them?  Any ideas?  Thanks.


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Yes, I have the same problem.  What client software are you using to download with?  I was using outlook express but switched to a free program called Grabit, you can find it at; http://www.download.com/3000-2164-5462527.html?legacy=cnet

This is a great program because it allows you to do multiple downloads simultaneously.  You can pull down up to 8 articles at the same time and it groups all the pieces together.  Meaning, if there are 100 parts to a video download, for example, in Grabit you will see the article as one download item.  By connecting and downloading 8 items at time you get a much faster overall download.

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Yes, I have the same problem.  What client software are you using to download with?  I was using outlook express but switched to a free program called Grabit, you can find it at; http://www.download.com/3000-2164-5462527.html?legacy=cnet

This is a great program because it allows you to do multiple downloads simultaneously.  You can pull down up to 8 articles at the same time and it groups all the pieces together.  Meaning, if there are 100 parts to a video download, for example, in Grabit you will see the article as one download item.  By connecting and downloading 8 items at time you get a much faster overall download.

I too use GrabIt.  I agree that by initiating all 8 connections at the same time, I can get a faster speed.  However, it will still not utilize even close to all 15 MBits of the connection.  I am not sure why I cannot get those full speeds.  Any Ideas?  Thanks.


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If I had to guess I'd say that Verizon has a cap of some sort on the news server.  However, that's just a guess.  I know that I got blazing downloads when I was with @home on a 7MB connection, much faster then I'm getting now.  However, on Comcast with a 6MB connection my newsgroup was significantly slower then it was with @home.  Comcast definitely had a cap on speed and total download.  I'm going to give a call to Verizon and see if I can get to the bottom of this.

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