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right. but if you expect /every/ pr adelphia customer to do so, fuggedaboudit.

the public schools here suck the big one, half the kids don't even know they're US citizens, and the number of people here that don't speak english is scary. probably more people (percentagewise) in europe literate in english than here.

I expect every member of testmy.net to keep the forum posts in English, or they can use the PM system like i said before.

VanBuren :)

jt. pr is NOT a country. it's an appendage to the us. in fact, pr chooses to not try to become a state, since this way it gets all the juicy fed funds without the fed taxes. if you still think pr is a country, take a look at your passport. (i beleive you are from pr) it will say united states in that case. it is US Territory, with all the rights, and none of the obligations. it gets to have its cake and eat it too. and being us citizens, i think more people should speak english. and i'm not saying the people are to blame, it's the government that decided to not teach the language. among other things they don't teach. a voting public unencumbered by facts and education is so much easier to control.

2 words in closing: banana republic. and i don't mean the clothing chain.

Calling Tech support here in PR is a waste of time because everytime you call they tell you something different.  THey have no clue (or so they say) of what the problem is, how to fix it and they won't patch you through to the miami office.  I was able to speak to miami tech once and the knowledge, service and help was like from night and day.  The bootom line problem here in PR is that the infrastructure is as old as the hills. So I think we might to up the creek without a paddle....

jt. pr is NOT a country. it's an appendage to the us. in fact, pr chooses to not try to become a state, since this way it gets all the juicy fed funds without the fed taxes. if you still think pr is a country, take a look at your passport. (i beleive you are from pr) it will say united states in that case. it is US Territory, with all the rights, and none of the obligations. it gets to have its cake and eat it too. and being us citizens, i think more people should speak english. and i'm not saying the people are to blame, it's the government that decided to not teach the language. among other things they don't teach. a voting public unencumbered by facts and education is so much easier to control.

2 words in closing: banana republic. and i don't mean the clothing chain.

If as I said language is not the issue here, PR's political status is even less so... btw I'm not puertorican, I just happen to live here and I'm not a US citizen at all. You contradict yourself: If you think PR is not a country it cannot be a banana republic. Most puertoricans think of Puerto Rico as their native country, even if they are US citizens... and millions of people in the world are well educated without speaking English; but please don't follow this thread anymore; you did open a can of worms, indeed.

well to change a lilttle of the language issue,

can you guys of Puerto Rico tell me or give me your Cablenut file? because we dont live that far after all you know... hehe

here's mine, before the problem i can get the 4.5mbs overall, but i would like to test another custom ccs. thanks =D

I expect every member of testmy.net to keep the forum posts in English, or they can use the PM system like i said before.

VanBuren :)

I don't agree with you!  :angry5:

I am a Puertorican living in the US.

If we want to speak Spanish maybe is because we have freedom of speech.I don't know on your contry but here in US INCLUDING PR( US territory) we have freedom of speech. and I'm sorry but YOU CAN NOT TELL PEOPLE WHAT LANGUAGE TO USE. If you where in my job "US MILITARY" you will be either out the door or jail. just for that racist and inconsiderable comment. 

Its like  you go to "china town" and you tell the Chinese to speak English, just because you don't understand them. its BS but you have to suck it up

I want to apologize :oops: about the use of Spanish language in my post, but.. I'm Spanish (from SPAIN), living here in PR just from January of this year, and my knowledge of the English language is -at this time- not good enough for some technical explanations.

Sorry, guys.

No tienes que pedir disculpas a nadie. dejalos que se jodan si no entienden nuestro lenguaje

i do speak the language, since it is impossible not to, and i am not complaining about those that /choose/ not to, or about those that can't choose, but about the decision of a narrowminded government to not /let/ the people choose which language to speak. not teaching english in school means taking a huge opportunity away from the children whose parents cannot afford to have them visit a private school that has english in its curriculum.

and adelphia /is/ a us isp, however, in pr it is run by community cablevision, a joint venture between two other cable companies. when the us adelphia was bought out, the pr part got sold to these two. in fact, these two have recedntly agreed to sell to another provider. so it is carrying the name and the service, but the actual ownership differs. maybe that is one reason for the lack of communication between local and miami offices.

I don't agree with you! :angry5:

I am a Puertorican living in the US.

If we want to speak Spanish maybe is because we have freedom of speech.I don't know on your contry but here in US INCLUDING PR( US territory) we have freedom of speech. and I'm sorry but YOU CAN NOT TELL PEOPLE WHAT LANGUAGE TO USE. If you where in my job "US MILITARY" you will be either out the door or jail. just for that racist and inconsiderable comment.

Its like you go to "china town" and you tell the Chinese to speak English, just because you don't understand them. its BS but you have to suck it up

This is an English forum.

and what does freedom of speech have to do with what language you speak?

This is an English forum.

and what does freedom of speech have to do with what language you speak?

If I'm not mistaken, when I sign up on this forum never was such thing stating that you can only speak english

Thats my point.

you are making this look like here theres a bunch of racist.

If I'm not mistaken, when I sign up on this forum never was such thing stating that you can only speak english

Thats my point.

you are making this look like here theres a bunch of racist.

You should be able to figure out by the fact that all but a couple of the 67000+ posts are in English, that this is an English forum.

You should be able to figure out by the fact that all but a couple of the 67000+ posts are in English, that this is an English forum.

its common sense its based on the us but that doesn't give you the right to tell  people what language to use. especially if they are translating it back in English

but I'm sorry i will not stand with my arms crossed when they are racist about my language or my hispanic community

omg... this is going a little too far for just this issue.

This is a english forum tho, is like you go to another foreign country and you talk your launguage, some understand you and most of them dont, they dont tell you "use our language" but you know its not right to talk like that often.

What VanBuren said was just a warning,Advice, nothing more, nothing less... and there it came a big war just because some people took it personal, im from Puerto Rico but i know their Roll and how to keep this forums like it is : almost perfect, soo they are just doing their job, if they told us that then live with it really..... my bad if i talk something impolite, or say anything wrong, i got A on english but that doesnt mean im perfect neither.

I will not tolerate any racist comments

I don't tolerate in my military job either on a forum

and yes that was a racist and inconsiderate and ignorant comment

get real dude  :lol:

this has nothing to do with racism

how the hell do you think this board would look like if ppl all over the world was posting at their language? How could we know what content the post has?


"terms of use (plain english key points) We do not guarantee any information provided in our forums, we  disclaim any liabilities for any information we carry. Any information you contribute to the site becomes our property. We reserve the right to edit or remove any postings, or user accounts, for any reason whatsoever."

"General Disclaimer:by using testmy.net forums you understand that posts may be altered for content as admins and moderators see fit.  If you do not agree with testmy.net's policies then don't use our service."

take a deep breath and get back on track

VanBuren :)

I'm sorry but I would have to agree with jypagan. That comment should have never been made. Since they were translating what they were writing in Spanish. I do not agree with you krazyrag. And I think people should take it personal if someone writes something like that saying English only if your writing Spanish do a PM. No thats not right!

could someone do me a favor and tell me how calling a government malicious for ignoring the native language of the majority of their citizens, not to mention electorates, nationality?

do so in english, spanish or whatever floats your boat, but i would like to see your twisted definition of racist.

My opinion its not racist but its not right what he wrote about the Spanish. Because like I said the person that wrote in Spanish also wrote it in English. So I think that post should have not been made. It does not mean everyone has to agree with me but like I said its my opinion

could someone do me a favor and tell me how calling a government malicious for ignoring the native language of the majority of their citizens, not to mention electorates, nationality?

do so in English, Spanish or whatever floats your boat, but i would like to see your twisted definition of racist.

As I can see the post posted here. Your little comment should have never been made. If its all in spanish I understand But it was not! And the terms of use does not say USE ONLY ENGLISH!

I agree there is nothing in TOS that says English only

but im telling you now...

I have the right to edit or remove any postings, or user accounts, for any reason whatsoever.

VanBuren :)

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