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Yup, SP2 = Better than SP1 still  :haha:

O no doubt SP2 does offer protection for users who cant keep their stuff protected.. 

the firewall is something that is just down right pathetic:

However, the software suffers from two major flaws, critics say: it does not block outbound traffic, and it can be switched off by another application, possibly even by a clever worm.

That is one hell of a firewall you got there.. :lol: nice job ms..

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a quote from Bill Gate's mind, "I have been recently swamped with suggestions for a firewall... I know! I'll go steal some worthless fool's firewall, don't even bother to fix it up... Release it! The fools will just believe a firewall is a firewall and will be content with just that! EVIL LAUGHTER  :evil3:"

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