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Waste of time.. it wasnt really intended to be a "gaming" card. it was was released to compete with the MX4000 series from Nvidia..  I would invest if you have the money and are looking into upgrading.. a 9600XT or even a highend Nvidia.. like the 6600

6600 selection:




Make sure you are getting the right graphic card.. My guess is that the 9250 you have is AGP.. but it could be pci.. not sure didnt looking into it..  so make sure you get the right one.. not PCI-E!!  that will not work!

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I'm getting a 9800 aiw soon  I just wanted to play with this one maybe learn something. Because if i fry it F@#$ it. ITS not a huge lose. its an abit card with radeon chip set and is very functional for the price FREE. i can run everything in 1280 by 1024 no problems.But knowing me when i have parts laying :idea: around i lose all rash thoughts of money or backup or for what ever I generally tend to void a few warrenties :huh:

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Any suggestions on some litterateur on duo's and dont's. I really don't want to destroy it I actually have an old 1.8 P4 that i accurate and was told it has been overclocked with a new in the box MSI Freebie and 9250. Just need some fans, RAM and Hdrive. I can get some other parts for a spare Wireless i have, I think i will keep it in good shape but I do want overclock the card just because i want to learn somthing about it.

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agp to pci express adapter

yes.. http://www.albatron.com.tw/english/it/vga/atop_page.asp  i guess this is brand new.. what I have read about it is that you are going to take a serious performance  hit.. due to the conversion from agp to pcie

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