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Whats so special about this program your going to get about a year old pic??? Where i have circled is a walmart and a walgreens there?

You do realise the satellite has to take pictures of the entire earth at various zoom levels and have it all assembled?  If you want a live satellite feed, go pay for something...

edit: btw... the pic of my house isn't more than a couple months old.... maybe less

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well i didnt let it set to long. it said 100% streaming and it stays all blurry. I can try again and see what it does, i can also post a pic to show you what is does. What it looks like it takes pictures of the most populated places.

yea, it will get more populated and more popular places in more detail

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Whats so special about this program your going to get about a year old pic??? Where i have circled is a walmart and a walgreens there?

The real special thing about this program is that we are providing terrorists with a 3d environment of 13 or so large cities..  so they dont even have to leave home to plan.. what an awesome idea.. thanks google!  but it is a really sweet program.. just the times kinda make it is a security hazard..

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you mean handheld gps, model airplane parts, a bomb, add coordinates from google and presto, an improvised cruise missile?

call it 2500 smackers and 30 minutyes in an internet cafe.

now /that/ thought is scarier than a nut with a semtex bodysuit.

then again, they could also get the coords by going to target and saving in gps. so shutting google down to prevent the amusement of us law abiding folks wouldn't do much good.

on a different note, have you noticed how most of europe is fairly low res, except for some city centers? yet the nude beaches in northern germany and southern denmark, on the north sea coast are surprisingly hi-res.

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