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if you change it with cablenut or drtcp they will change the values so just use one

I believe that fattymcbluff is correct these 2 programs conflict with each other.I prefer cablenut.

The broadband test shows your RWIN as 512000 .The 256960  is a multiple of 1460 like the tcpip analyzer test at speeguide.net .See what that test detects your RWIN as.

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Theace1 I don't know what to tellyou.

broadband reports rwin = 512000

you say it is 256960 which should be a good one

speedguide.net shows rwin = 150280

I think they should all show the same RWIN .I haven't checked mine at broadband for a while .I will try & see if it shows mine the same as speedguide then edit.Van Buren is very good at helping with rwin if you can catch him online.

Edit I did both tests & they showed my RWIN the  same on both.

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I'm not sure what settings you had in cablenut, but if you still have the original CSS file you used to begin with I would reload that into the cablenut program, and then change the defaultreceivewindow in the top left box to 150380 then save to registry and exit and restart PC

The reason I say this is everything showed good on your test at broadbandreports except the RWIN was showing too high, you can run it that high but I have found that if it is too high it can cause the round trip time to skyrocket causing slower loading web pages.

So try that and see how that works for you, it can always be changed again if need be.

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Hi MYRIAGON the 150280 tcpip analyzer shows is only one number off the 150380 you told Theace1 to use in the DrTcp settings. I think he made a typo entering it.Thats probably what his RWIN is set at right now.But that makes the unscaled window 37570 probably too small.If he uses 128480 or 256960  the unscaled window should be 64240 which should be optimal for broadband.Except PPPoE.

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