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dunno what to do... buy a motorola 5100 ( from what ive read good ) +router or

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or get a package deal one from Cox Communications they have some cable modem / wireless router built in one for 100 bucks and payable over months.. dunno brand...

if I buy my own I know the motorola is good but I dunno about wireless routers (

I would go seperate.. I have never been a huge fan of the combo units.. there is just something about allowing one device handle 2 operations.

As far as the extra money for the additional 1 mb.. i would wait.. Cable gets alot of upgrades!! Most of the time you will get 1-2 per year if you are lucky.. and the addition of FIOS the market is going to heat up to see who can provide the best service for the least amount of money..

ah ok ty so much hmmmm now which to order is the question lol

hmmm so this is the newest for gaming?


i see it says goes with this modem.. prolly a good combo or?


it also says works with that gaming adapter ( never heard of that and cant tell what its for by the stats lol that really need or? )

sorry am a n00b 8)~ I just wanna get a really good one the first time around hehe.

actually I need to call Cox maybe lol see house im moving to is like a 100-200 yards from a small airport... would that radio crap affect a wireless router? maybe dumb question but dunno. thnx

The airport will most likely have NO efect on your wireless.

Unless they have some monster radar sweeping your new place very few seconds.

In that case you might have more to worry about than your wireless connection, lol. :D

And I agree with Swimmer on buying a seperate modem and router.

That's putting all your eggs in one basket, which is not always the best idea.

Buy them seperate.

And btw, Welcome to the forum, and tell your friends.

ok so maybe I wont go the crazy expensive route lol... been reading the boards ALL day... eyes tired lol.

thinkin about this setup whatcha think..

D-Link DCM-202 High-Speed DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem


D-Link DI-624 Wireless Router

hmmm just thought do i need to buy the wireless network cards or does Cox provide them?

and hows that setup... really really pondered the sb5120 but dunno seems like their both good from what i've read.

Sounds like a good combo to me.

And, as far as I know, Cox will only provide the network equipment if you choose their wireless home networking service (9.95/month, I think).

Otherwise, you need to get your own.

I would call them and verify, though. They may sell them now.

They do sell new modems for $59 where I live.

That is for a Motorola 5120, and thats cheaper than the stores.

Added link: http://www.cox.com/omaha/highspeedinternet/home_networkingFAQ.asp

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