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A few tips for People who are thinking about getting COmcast

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all you ever do is blast comcast. and frankly im tired of it, so tired.... just stop its your opinion .. no need to open a topic, if somone makes a topic and asks what you think. then you should reply... not trying to flame here.. seriously but just refrain from opening topics about how bad comcast is... im a happy comcast user, ive downloaded / uploaded tons... never been capped and it works perfectly for everything i do.

C o M c A s T = LaG fiesta

aka u can use like 5 GB/ transfer a month and get capped lol

i think i used 2 terrabyes tho

that must be y

still betta than optimum tho

Your ignorance is great.

Comcast DOES NOT cap. They send you a warning letter. If you continue to do the same they give you a suspension for X amount of months.

Yes the latency on Comcast does suck. Other then that I haven't had a problem with them.

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