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Chat party...........

Guest helloimtim

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Guest helloimtim

Maybey somehow or way a time and day could be set up say once a week and at least people would have a good idea when to try the chat room. Or maybey even 2 days and times. One day for the 9 to 5 workers. The other day for say the nite owls that work late night hours. An example would be say wends at 7 pm. Then again Wendsdays at midnight. Something like that. Heck some one start a poll and take it from there. Who knows you may find alot of people showing up if they know when and where. Just an Idea. Since shug is a mod and is seen posting alot maybey he can give the final word on what day and what time. In short let shug be in charge if thats all ok with you all.

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