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Its Outlaws, a old Western FPS shooter from Lucasart, I think its one of the first multiplayer games, was released in -95 if i remember it right.

The fps is kickass, runs best on voodoo cards, a v5500 agp give you fps between 800-1200 depends on the other part of hardware too.

I get between 600-1000 in d3d on my FX 5900 Ultra, but i used to have a gf3 Ti-200 and had same fps then, i think d3d is locked to 1000 fps cos i cant get above that.

The high fps comes from that its not really a 3d game, its a 2d engine, but it looks like 3d.

I use to play at www.zone.com, classic cdrom gamerooms. Its kinda amazing ppl still playing it, there is around 25 active players now.

I also play a more modern westernshooter, Lawdogs mod for unreal 2004, too bad there is not many players yet, but its alot of fun and me and some old outlawfriends use to play Lawdogs. The mod needs more advertising and a chatroom like them on zone to make the community grow. We have a forum and over 400 ppl has signed up and i can only see top 10 ppl playing it.....

VanBuren :)

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cool :)

Here is some more info about Outlaws


if you need a link where to dl the game, just PM me

Here is some more info about Lawdogs


VanBuren :)

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