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Is it true that a ADSL line has more problems uploading and downloading at max speed at the same time, and that if i am doing both, one will be affected negitavely than a cable line would? I have no way to test this, since i cap my torrents at 75 upload (90 is my cap) i get higher download speed, but when i uncap it it lowers, and then goes high aagain.

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DSL is a frequency injected over voice.. so you have the upstream between 25kHz and 110kHz.. and then the down stream between 110kHz and 1100kHz... That is just for regular dsl.. if you have adsl you are going to get the same speed up and down..  There are guard bands between the up and down "channel" but if you do have alot of noise there is a possiblity that you could run into speed problems.

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