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My registry is really messed up from me using ccleaner, not to "blame" it on ccleaner but i simply didnt get these problems before, my computer starts up fine and everything, but its mainly my internet connection is very eratic, and not workin every now and then, and going slow, but its constant. Any advice, my registry is so messed up, that i try to just use a reg cleaner, but even if i try to "lightly" clean it, i still get big problems. Why and what can i do?

I'm sorry but somebody might want to move this to the Help! with other stuff page.

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I'd check out http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 .... VanBuren's cablenut settings.  Basically if it is a registry issue with your speeds (as opposed to spyware or browser issue), then hooking these up will set all your reg keys to appropriate values.  I would definitely make sure that your spyware free tho!

I should have said that i already use cablenut and reenter the settings every time after i use a reg cleaner.

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I should have said that i already use cablenut and reenter the settings every time after i use a reg cleaner.

I would suggest you stop using reg cleaner.  Those things are useless if you've ever intentionally made registry changes.  They will basically only help to get rid of redundant values (ie. old programs that weren't properly removed), and only work on a general template, not specific to your PC.  Also, reg cleaner may be overriding your cablenut settings.

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