ROM-DOS Posted October 16, 2005 CID Share Posted October 16, 2005 I'm "Testing" new settings in my Registry and with CableNut Adjuster. First, I re-set my MSS to 1432 and my MTU to 1472. reason: I start to experience packet fragmentation after 1472. E:>ping -f -l 1472 <~ my ISP Pinging with 1472 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=1472 time=147ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=171ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=172ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=171ms TTL=62 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 147ms, Maximum = 172ms, Average = 165ms E:>ping -f -l 1472 Pinging with 1472 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=1472 time=147ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=171ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=172ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1472 time=171ms TTL=62 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 147ms, Maximum = 172ms, Average = 165ms Then I made these 'Adjustments' to my CableNut settings. (see attachment) . . .any advise on what I've done? or comments about trying diferent settings. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 47 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 6 kB/s Tested From:: (server2) Test Time:: Sun Oct 16 10:44:32 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 170.67 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 60.26 % of your hosts average ( Validation Link:: My goal in all this is to 'optimize' my settings for 'on-line' gaming (ie. lag issues and staying connected) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 17, 2005 CID Share Posted October 17, 2005 ROM_DOS; To start with now that you have set your MTU to 1472 & your MSS to 1432 try ping I beleive you will no longer be able to ping at 1472.I beleive you will ping without fragmenting at 1472 - 28. I'm not sure what you are basing your Receive window settings on I would go back to 1500 on the MTU &1460 on the MSS.then using an even multiple of MSS but staying small try 8760 for the DefaultReceiveWindow,GlobalMaxTcpReceiveWindow,&TcpWindowSize.I like 11680 better for mine but the 8760 will probably give a lower ping. Setting TcpMaxDupAcks to 2 & lowering DefaultTTL to 64. I was looking at the recomended cablenut settings for a 56K It seems they base the RWIN & Send window on 1024 this doesn't seem correct for a MTU1500 &MSS 1460. So I think the DefaultSendWindow should be 5840, LargeBufferSize=58400.MediumBufferSize=20480,SmallBufferSize=1460. These are all based on a MSS of 1460.If MSS is not the right base to use then everything should be base on 1024 for packet size based settings. I don't know about this setting MaxHashTableSize in yours it is 65536 the recomended shows it matched to the DefaultSendWindow if you use the one I suggested 5840 then MaxHashTableSize = 5840 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 17, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 17, 2005 . . . for the DUKE ; O-Tay, I changed everything back to what you suggested. except; GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 11680 and MaxHashTableSize = 65536 MaxHashTableSize: Default: 512 (must be a power of 2) Valid Range: 0x40 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 17, 2005 CID Share Posted October 17, 2005 ROM-DOS : A small increase in speed but how did the ping & lag perform? With the MTU at 1472 did you get "packet needs to be fragmented but DF set" until you changed the MTU back to 1500 & the MSS back to 1460? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 17, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 17, 2005 I can't ping anything beyond my ISP( E:>ping -f -l 1500 Pinging with 1500 bytes of data: Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), E:>ping -f -l 1460 Pinging with 1460 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=1460 time=165ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1460 time=171ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1460 time=171ms TTL=62 Reply from bytes=1460 time=171ms TTL=62 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 165ms, Maximum = 171ms, Average = 169ms . . .I'm staying connected ~ lol /my status = yellow (status indicators [on-line/in-game] = green, yellow and red) my FPS(Frames Per Second) are in the 20's. I'm choosing servers with less than ten players - in COOP mode - ie, enemys are AI's . . . the AI's are alot smarter than facing 'live' opponents ~ lol ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 18, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 18, 2005 Questions: If I start experiencing fragmentation above 1472 shouldn't my MTU be 1472? and my MSS(MTU - 40) be 1432? and when calculating my TcpReceiveWindow 1472(MTU) x 300(Max Anticipated Latency) / 8 = 55200 55200 / 1432 = 38.54786 (Then round up to the nearest even whole number:) 40 x 1432 = 57280 = the base TcpReceiveWindow value from here I could take advantage of Windows Scaling (if the value is 65535 or greater) 57280 x 2 = 114560 = MAX TcpReceiveWindow referencing: DefaultReceiveWindow = multiply your ISPs download caps in kilobytes by 1024 DefaultSendWindow = multiply your ISPs upload caps in kilobytes by 1024 DefaultReceiveWindow = 56 x 1024 = 57344 DefaultSendWindow = 26 x 1024 = 26624 Shouldn't this be how I should be thinking ~ when re-testing my settings? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 18, 2005 CID Share Posted October 18, 2005 ROM-DOS ; On the first question when you use ping -f -l to find your MTU you add 28 to the result for the headers.I don't have a link handy for this but this is correct so 1472+28=1500. 1500-40=1460.The formulas for TcpReceiveWindow,DefaultReceiveWindow ,& Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 18, 2005 CID Share Posted October 18, 2005 ROM-DOS: I'm going to do some calculations for you.Based on this & some of your amounts in your post. Proper TcpReceiveWindow Formula: (Maxium Bandwidth x Maxium Anticipated Latency) / 8 Example of a Cable connection with a 1500 download cap with an Anticipated Latency of 100 ms: (1500 x 100) / 8 = 18750 To make it a multipule of MSS divide by 1460: 18750 / 1460 = 12.84246 Then round up to the nearest even whole number: 14 x 1460 = 20440 56 x 300=16800; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 20, 2005 D.U.K.E. Cholla ; (Dial Up Knowledge Expert) I set my settings per PM on smaller settings and I'm staying connected, sometimes in the 'green' ~ lol Here's the settings I'm using; (let me know if I got them right) 56k on-line game settings; DefaultReceiveWindow = 2144 DefaultSendWindow = 2144 DisableAddressSharing = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 20 InitialMediumBufferCount = 48 InitialSmallBufferCount = 64 LargeBufferSize = 21440 MaxFastTransmit = 6400 MediumBufferSize = 5360 Priority Boost = 0 SmallBufferSize = 536 TransmitWorker = 32 FastSendDatagramThreshhold = 1024 EnableFastRouteLookup = 1 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1 IgnorePushBitsOnReceives = 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 2144 MaxFreeTcbs = 2000 MaxHashTableSize = 2144 MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000 SackOpts = 1 SynAttackProtect = 1 Tcp1323Opts = 0 TcpLogLevel = 1 TcpMaxDupAttacks = 2 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetired = 80 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 536 TcpSendSegmentSize = 536 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 TcpWindowSize = 2144 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 8 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 4 DefaultTimeToLive = 128 DefaultUserTOSSetting = 0 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 DefaultTOSValue = 240 :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 39 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s Tested From:: (server2) Test Time:: Thu Oct 20 13:32:54 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 204.8 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 51.32 % of your hosts average ( Validation Link:: :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 22 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 3 kB/s Tested From:: (server1) Test Time:: Thu Oct 20 13:35:08 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 341.33 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 15.79 % faster than the average for host ( Validation Link:: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 20, 2005 CID Share Posted October 20, 2005 ROM-DOS : Those are the ones I did for the 576 MTU & 536MSS How did they do when you play the gane is the latency & lag better? The other lower ones were based on 1500 MTU & 1460 MSS. I still haven't had time to do some research on the AFD & how the 1024 is supposed to work as its base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 20, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 20, 2005 D.U.K.E. Cholla ; (Dial Up Knowledge Expert) these settings are working fine ~ at least no dis-connects ~ lol lag could also have to do with my video card ~ NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 though, I do have all my in-game video settings on 'low'. [move] [move] ~[/move] No compression [move]~[/move][/move] :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 48 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 6 kB/s Tested From:: (server2) Test Time:: Thu Oct 20 23:59:04 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 170.67 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 62.34 % of your hosts average ( Validation Link:: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 21, 2005 CID Share Posted October 21, 2005 ROM-DOS: I've been looking into the AFD as it applies to the DefaultReceiveWindow,DefaultSendWindow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 21, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 21, 2005 D.U.K.E. Cholla ; (Dial Up Knowledge Expert) I changed my settings to match your 'smaller' settings. . . .but, now I'm confused(?) about the DefaultReceiveWindow and DefaultSendWindow. later you say; To set the default size of the AFD-Windows use the following DWORD registry keys : [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Afd Parameters] DefaultReceiveWindow = 16384 DefaultSendWindow = 16384 In my CableNut Adjuster Settings ~ it changes the Registry settings in AFD and Tcpip for XP. . . .what should my Default Receive and Send Windows be then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 21, 2005 CID Share Posted October 21, 2005 ROM-DOS ; Sorry I didn't mean to confuse you The following was an example of it being a multiple of 4096(page size).4096 is a multiple of 1024.I used 1024 to calculate the smaller DefaultReceiveWindow &DefaultSendWindow I put in the list for the gaming settings. To set the default size of the AFD-Windows use the following DWORD registry keys : [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Afd Parameters] DefaultReceiveWindow = 16384(Example) DefaultSendWindow = 16384(Example) So yours should be this for the gaming settings: DefaultReceiveWindow 2042 DefaultSendWindow 2042 On your C: drive these settings should also be even multiples of 1024 or 4096(page size) DefaultReceiveWindow,DefaultSendWindow , LargeBufferSize,MediumBufferSize,& SmallBufferSize in Cablenut's settings.These are all based on AFD so they are even multiples of 1024 or 4096 . These 2 are based on MTU &MSS so they should be an even multiple of MSS. TcpWindowSize & GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 22, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 22, 2005 Like how you changed your name Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 24, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 24, 2005 Cleared my CableNut Adjuster settings; except I dis-abled (set to 0) EnablePMTUDiscovery and went to and got this; MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS. Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 8760 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits Unscaled Receive Window = 8760 needless to say ~ I couldn't stay connected in on-line game. so, I'm going to try a previous(good/small) CableNut setting and see what happens. I'm connected at 52Kbps right now, I'll click over and do a download test. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 50 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 6 kB/s Tested From:: (server2) Test Time:: Mon Oct 24 15:48:19 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 170.67 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 65.79 % of your hosts average ( Validation Link:: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted October 24, 2005 CID Share Posted October 24, 2005 ROM-DOS : What does your cablenut show when you select " Retreive current registry values"? Can you use find in your registry to find all the MTU & MSS settings? With the new registry program you are using is the old registry gone? If not could some of its settings be effecting your MTU &MSS? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted October 25, 2005 Author CID Share Posted October 25, 2005 re-set my CableNut Adjuster settings, again. . . .and staying connected in-game/on-line(with up to 64 players in server!) It actually stays connected better with more players in the game server... New Settings for feedback; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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