Shug7272 Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 FF 7 sequel....awesome, one of my all time favorites when I was a kid. So is anyone getting a PSP and if so you getting the FF7 sequel for it. I played the Nintendo DS at Best Buy today, much cooler than I thouht, I still think I would like the bigger psp screen better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 I think I'm going to get the DS. It is capable of any gameplay that the PSP is capable of, but it also has two screens, one being a touch screen. That's just cool. The DS is also $40 cheaper than the PSP is that $189 pricetag you noted is true. The DS is basically a Nintendo 64 with a touch screen that you can take anywhere. I'm sold. Watch some of the gameplay footages and demonstrations of the DS at Gamespot's DS section. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 15, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 Yea, I think it will be fun but I got tired of Nintendo first party games with MArio Bros 3. The touch screen seems cool but I played the DS at Best Buy today and realised one important fact. You can only watch one screen at a time, so it seems like more of a gimmick to me. I dunno, Movies, MP3, Games (you cant deny that Nintendo has a HUGE lack of 3rd party support, that sucks) I just like the PSP. But hey to each their own. I got pissed today playing Metroid, everytime I looked at the top screen for the map I got F'd up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 So you can hook the PSP up to your personal confuser and put media on it? The second screen isn't really a gimmick. Most games require the use of both screens. Sure, some have only maps on one of them, but it isn't like you have to use it. Like in Super Mario 64 on the old Nintendo 64 platform, I got through it just fine without a map. It's just there to be handy. You can't just look at one game on a certain platform and tell what the platform is capable of. You'd be cutting yourself short as far as making an educated decision goes. If I want a MP3 player, I'll by myself one. I'm looking for which one will give me the best gaming experience. As I said, the DS can have any of the gameplay interface that the PSP can, but it has so much more. As you said, to each his own. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 15, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 So you can hook the PSP up to your personal confuser and put media on it? The second screen isn't really a gimmick. Most games require the use of both screens. Sure' date=' some have only maps on one of them, but it isn't like you have to use it. Like in Super Mario 64 on the old Nintendo 64 platform, I got through it just fine without a map. It's just there to be handy. You can't just look at one game on a certain platform and tell what the platform is capable of. You'd be cutting yourself short as far as making an educated decision goes. If I want a MP3 player, I'll by myself one. I'm looking for which one will give me the best gaming experience. As I said, the DS can have any of the gameplay interface that the PSP can, but it has so much more. As you said, to each his own.[/quote'] PSP uses those lil smart media or whatever its called so you can put mp3s on it, and you can get movies for it as well. Guy LIIIIKKKEEEE. I dunno man this just kinda smells like a Virtua Boy type gimmick to me. AHHHH MY EYESSSS. I guess I would just rather one BIG screen compared to two small screens, maybe its the old man comming out in me. Ive been playing games for about... close to 20 years.. YIKES, and in all that time I cant think of one game that made me say "Man, this game is good, but it would be great with TWO SCREENS." I dunno I just cant think of one scenario in which a game is improved by two screens, as I said you can only look at one screen at a time any way, so why not just pause the game and have the second screen come up then. I do like the touch sreen though. I will get both if the DS gets any good software, I played mario, zelda, and metroid 15 years ago. I do likes me some animal crossing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 It's called pioneering new technologies. If everyone didn't want change, we wouldn't go anywhere. As for those old Nintendo titles, there are many other games that launch on the day of or even before the DS itself. They just offer those because they are Nintendo, and they like to stay true to their roots for the sake of diehard fans of the company. The DS has a massive launch game title list, and lord knows many more are to come. Keep in mind that it has technologies that no other platform has had and for $40 less at that. I'm sure the PSP will be great. I'm just saying the DS is my pick if I had to get one. Like I said, if I want a MP3 player, I'll buy one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 15, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 It's called pioneering new technologies. If everyone didn't want change' date=' we wouldn't go anywhere. As for those old Nintendo titles, there are many other games that launch on the day of or even before the DS itself. They just offer those because they are Nintendo, and they like to stay true to their roots for the sake of diehard fans of the company. The DS has a massive launch game title list, and lord knows many more are to come. Keep in mind that it has technologies that no other platform has had and for $40 less at that. I'm sure the PSP will be great. I'm just saying the DS is my pick if I had to get one. Like I said, if I want a MP3 player, I'll buy one.[/quote'] You seem to be gettin a little worked up, I think Ill just leave this one alone.. I know a Nintendo fan when I see one.And you guys get PISSED. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 What are you talking about? I actually haven't played a Nintendo game since my dog pissed on my 64 a few years ago. I'm pissed? Lol, far from it. It's just a friendly debate. You want the PSP, I want the DS, and we are both explaining our reasons why we think the other is better. It has nothing to do with getting pissed. I know a Nintendo fan when I see one. You obviously don't. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 15, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 What are you talking about? I actually haven't played a Nintendo game since my dog pissed on my 64 a few years ago. I'm pissed? Lol, far from it. It's just a friendly debate. You want the PSP, I want the DS, and we are both explaining our reasons why we think the other is better. It has nothing to do with getting pissed. You obviously don't. Easy Killer... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sghetti Posted November 15, 2004 CID Share Posted November 15, 2004 The main thing to remember here is Nintendo is known for it's handhelds. Hands down, they've shut out all others that try to compete. However, with the onset of these "nexgen" handhelds we have a problem. The game companies are now getting handheld into the realm of 32bit. That's pretty spectacular. That in mind, Sony has had the console market cornered for years and has only recently, with the introduction of the XBox, lost some footing. In short, you're looking at two top-notch companies with solid backgrounds and plenty of cash. The only way to find out which is better, DS or PSP, is to go and try them out for yourself. Either one is a good choice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jakop92 Posted November 16, 2004 CID Share Posted November 16, 2004 ERRRRRRRRRR. Is psp a playstation 2 portable? Or is it playstation 3? Oh and any idea when ps3 is coming out in the usa? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sghetti Posted November 16, 2004 CID Share Posted November 16, 2004 PSP = PlayStation Portable It's essentially a take-it-with-you Playstation. Difference being it takes smaller discs so, unlike many thought in early '03, you can't use older games with it, you have to buy them again in the new format. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jakop92 Posted November 16, 2004 CID Share Posted November 16, 2004 Ohhhh ok. Any ideas on when ps3 will come out>? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sghetti Posted November 16, 2004 CID Share Posted November 16, 2004 As far as I've been told PS3 is still just a concept. Sony released the PSX in Japan last year and now the PSP this year globally. Add to it, the PS2 is still making serious $$ for Sony and they see no reason to fork over millions when they can keep making profit without further investment outside of production costs. Keep an eye on MS and what they do with XBox. That's PS2's only rival and Sony won't let MS one-up em'. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 16, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 16, 2004 Ohhhh ok. Any ideas on when ps3 will come out>? PS3 is well into development, the expected release date is early 2006 due to the wait for the cell chip manufacturing. MS is rumoured to release XBOX 2 late 2005 although they may delay to use the same type of chip PS3 will use. This is all just speculation though. Sony has already released PS3 development kits to some developers as has MS, Nintendo is looking to release the next Gamecube in the same time table as Sony. Check out this link it has some info. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sghetti Posted November 17, 2004 CID Share Posted November 17, 2004 PS3 is well into development, the expected release date is early 2006 due to the wait for the cell chip manufacturing. MS is rumoured to release XBOX 2 late 2005 although they may delay to use the same type of chip PS3 will use. This is all just speculation though. Sony has already released PS3 development kits to some developers as has MS, Nintendo is looking to release the next Gamecube in the same time table as Sony. Check out this link it has some info. As I said, PS3 is still basically a concept. They've set literally dozens of release dates for it but none have happpened. It's just Sony's little marketing way of keeping attention on them. MS has been working on the XB2 since the first hit shelves. They want to make a serious run at console gaming and XBox has risen in power dramatically over the last two years. Again, Sony will hold out on PS3 and try to head off MS's run for the gold when they go to release XB2. It'll be interesting to say the least and consumers should benefit greatly from it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 18, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 18, 2004 As I said, PS3 is still basically a concept. They've set literally dozens of release dates for it but none have happpened. It's just Sony's little marketing way of keeping attention on them. MS has been working on the XB2 since the first hit shelves. They want to make a serious run at console gaming and XBox has risen in power dramatically over the last two years. Again, Sony will hold out on PS3 and try to head off MS's run for the gold when they go to release XB2. It'll be interesting to say the least and consumers should benefit greatly from it. PS3 is much more than a concept its almost a finished product. Sony has NEVER set a release date for the PS3. EVER. Find one website saying anything close to a release date and leave a link for me. You apparently dont know how consoles run. The lifecycle generally runs 5 years, the XBOX lifecycle will last just under 5 years if they release late 2005 and PS3 will last just over 5 years if they release as expected. Sony cares nothing about what XBOX is doing, companies ALWAYS release a new console every 5 years or so and Sony is not waiting on anyone considering Sony is the dominate force in the market. EGM this month has a quote from Nintendo saying they are plannning on releasing around the same time as PS3 and XBOX has said several times they want release before PS3. As far as MS working on XBOX2 since the release of XBOX, ALL console ompanies start R&D after releasing their current console. Nothing against you, but Id say your pretty young, you sound like you spouting off alot of nonsence from gaming message boards. (Its hard to start development on a game for a console that is a "concept") ( If they are going to premier it and have a working version by early 2005 they better get to work on the concept.) Im getting bored with this, dont argue with me kid, I was a video game nerd while you were wetting your pants. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sghetti Posted November 18, 2004 CID Share Posted November 18, 2004 I'm 25 and have worked in the game industry for 3 years. The majority of information you get from the internet is completely false. Most of it is simply from rumors started by who knows where. My main job is to keep up on what's going on and, more importantly, keep track of any "motivational reason" for companies to do what they do. Sony DOES care what MS does with XBox. As does MS keep track and care what Sony does with PS. They are direct competitors in a very competitive market. What one does affects the other greatly. I'm not sure where you think you get off judging me or making assumptions about me but you sound like an ass. Go ahead and call me more names and make more inaccurate analysis. Anyone remotely close to this subject knows that what I'm saying is true. And being a game nerd doesn't mean a thing. It just means you like to play video games. I've met hundreds of game nerds and, from your post, you're just like the rest of them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanBuren Posted November 18, 2004 CID Share Posted November 18, 2004 Sony DOES care what MS does with XBox. As does MS keep track and care what Sony does with PS. They are direct competitors in a very competitive market. What one does affects the other greatly. I agree with you, this is how all competition work no matter what product it is. VanBuren Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cobra Posted November 18, 2004 CID Share Posted November 18, 2004 **chants 'PSP! PSP! PSP!'** Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 19, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 19, 2004 I'm 25 and have worked in the game industry for 3 years. The majority of information you get from the internet is completely false. Most of it is simply from rumors started by who knows where. My main job is to keep up on what's going on and, more importantly, keep track of any "motivational reason" for companies to do what they do. Sony DOES care what MS does with XBox. As does MS keep track and care what Sony does with PS. They are direct competitors in a very competitive market. What one does affects the other greatly. I'm not sure where you think you get off judging me or making assumptions about me but you sound like an ass. Go ahead and call me more names and make more inaccurate analysis. Anyone remotely close to this subject knows that what I'm saying is true. And being a game nerd doesn't mean a thing. It just means you like to play video games. I've met hundreds of game nerds and, from your post, you're just like the rest of them. Ok, whatever, so where are these "literally DOZENS of release dates for the PS3 that Sony has set." I have a hard time believing someone as "Informed" as yourself can get so many facts wrong.Such as the PSP being a "take it with you playstation" and "many people in early 2003 thinking you could use the original Playstation games with it, there was NEVER a report to such, prove it if you can but I doubt it. BTW these "smaller disks" are called UMD discs. I didnt mean that Sony cares nothing of MS, but they are not making their decisions BASED on MS. OF COURSE they care, MS is Sonys biggest competition, but they are not watching MS and making their plans accordingly. MS has in MANY interviews stated that they want to beat Sony to the market with the next gen, and Nintendo has said that they intend to release at the same time period of Sonys PS3. Sony has NEVER said ANYTHING about releasing according to either of the two so you must be mixed up. If I am wrong prove it and throw up a link. But hey, you did provide me with a good laugh. If you worked in the "game industry" you must have made enemies early and been fed ALOT of bad info. Thanks for the smiles I needed it, and dont get so worked up, this is only a message board. Arguing on the internet is like arguing with a Mentaly Handicapped person, even if you win, you lose. PS as far as the "consumer benefiting greatly from the competition" that is ALWAYS the case, a monopoly is never good in my opinion. But if you ask a communist they would probably disagree. As far as "anyone close to the subject knowing what you are saying is ture." What have you said that is true, I have found very little. Even your post in regards to Sony watching MS you made it out as if Sony was waiting for MS to do something so they could make their next move and "cut off MS run for the gold" What run? they are selling at about the same rate as gamecube and both are being outsold by Sony. Sony has Dominated the market since it entered it and has not been following anyones lead... IT HAS BEEN THE LEADER. You are taking this too personally, you act as if I hurt your feelings and you said "Go ahead and call me more names and make more inaccurate analysis" LMFAO, I CALLED YOU YOUNG AND THAT IS IT. Geeez, touchy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 19, 2004 CID Share Posted November 19, 2004 Ooo, oo, I have another. Argueing over the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. It's stupid, but when else can I say that without being completely off the subject or sounding like a complete idiot? I probably still do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 19, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 19, 2004 Ooo, oo, I have another. Argueing over the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. It's stupid, but when else can I say that without being completely off the subject or sounding like a complete idiot? I probably still do. NAh, you are right, its all true, but still FUN. Especially when people say things like " I worked in the gaming industry" when its pretty evident there is no possible way.... THATS WHATS GREAT ABOUT THE INTERNET... Hey I have sex with models for money.... You believe that.... I WISH. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hahn Posted November 19, 2004 CID Share Posted November 19, 2004 Hey I have sex with models for money.... You believe that.... I WISH. Wow, me too. Oh how I wish, wish,...... wish it were true. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 19, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 19, 2004 Wow, me too. Oh how I wish, wish,...... wish it were true. Me too.... friend.... me too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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