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Ok I have Terayon TJ 715 Modem and I am going through Adelphia in California I like to play on-line games alot so this is really stressing me out even since I got the new model of modem that they said I need my connection speed has gone to crap. The cable guy came over and checked it out, noticed that is was poor did everything so he says even went down the street to check out the "pub" ? came back and told me they they will call. He left and my connection is still slow! I licence guy cant even fix it , wtf some please help.. Any suggestions? Here is my speed both DL and Upload. Thank you

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 408 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB)

Download Speed is: 50 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2006121 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 7 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 20 second(s)

::: Upload Stats :::

Connection is: 185 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Upload Speed is: 23 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 252776 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 3 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 45 second(s)

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Have you tried the TCP Optimizer on the front page of this site :) ~~~ that might help you...

And by the way... a very large amount of cable techs are friggen tards so don't bother calling them licensed :lol: (though there are some really good ones) ~~~ I used to be one myself about 3 years ago... at the time I was 18-19, and I was the one that everyone called for help... 30-50 year old dudes that needed a 19 year old dude to teach them :roll: half the stuff these guys called me one was simple ~~~ but anyway, like I said there are a few good cable guys out there ;) ~~~

If the optimizer doesn't work, let me know your computers specs... and if you are going though USB or ethernet ~~ (you might want to try switching to the oposite to see if either your USB or ethernet adaptor is at fault.. ethernet would be the more likely of the two to have a problem 'going out')

The optimizer is a good thing to try first because if you have ever downloaded or tried any "MAKE YOUR SHIT FASTER!" type stuff... speedguide's prog will fix that :) ~~ here is a little post I wrote on it http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?p=379&highlight=tcp+optimizer#379

Although it is extreamly difficult to solve a problem like yours online, I always like to try.

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Ok thanks for the reply this is really fustrating I have DL the TCP Optimizer and still have the problems. Maybe you can help me with it all I did was set it on Optimal settings and thats it. I use ethernet I also have a router thats connecting to two comps. There both new Dells about a year old.. And both computers are really slow. I know its not the computers itself because like I said I play socom2 and its really "laggy". Please help oh BTW I told a lot of on-line friends about your site since its a really good one..thanks.

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Try to connect strait from the modem to the computer... cut the router out of the chain and hit me back and let me know your performance. :) ~~ then we can go from there.

hehe, by the way if you like cars.. check out mine :)


1989 chevy IROC-Z 350 TPI --- rebuilt EVERYTHING compcam .500-.510 // 276-266 114* lobe AT with B&M shift kit JetChip ~~ my shit smokes corvettes all day long!

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They came yesterday I the fucking moron said thats all he can do leaving with connection speed same. I just called them back because he said that his boss will call and didnt so I did. When I called they told me he will call back within 2 hours...yeah I"ll see. Any suggestions on what they can do over the phone since he couldnt fix he when he came here.?

Nice car dude heres mine it has a 400 small block with lots of extras I do too be smoking those corvettes.lol


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Doncha just love F-Bodies :) ~~~~~~~~ Awesome ride man.

Well, for starters you are getting free service right now.. HAHAHAHA, call them and say "HEY, your guys havn't done anything to fix my connection. (you have to make sure and tell them that it is 'going out everynow and then' also... otherwise they won't credit your account because cable providers never guarentee connection speed) ~~

Poor guy... slow connection... at least you can get on the road and show those rice burners that there is NO REPLACEMENT for DISPLACEMENT! Small blocks ROCK!

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