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give us the results of this test...


or try one of the alternatives on that site

or give us a screen shot from this one


here's mine

TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.2.1e

click START to begin

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Done

running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 75.01Mb/s

running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 53.53Mb/s

The slowest link in the end-to-end path is a a 622 Mbps OC-12 subnet

Alarm: Duplex mismatch condition exists: Host set to HD and Switch set to FD

click START to re-test

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shakka: You need to stop flaming members.If you are using something new & most haven't seen or used it don't expect everyone to beleive the results.Below is a link to a cached test done on my regular 56K diap-up modem .Do you really beleive that this is an accurate test?So if your results are correct then

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quote:Enuff. You want to be a moron, then go ahead and live in your fantasy land, but dont flame our members for knowing better.

omg the proof is there u moron hes the 1 that jumped on me and called me a liar comon answer me is the picture a fake ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

no, the picture is probably not a fake. you downloaded about 38 meg of that file and then stopped. then you went back and restarted it. the good thing about windows/ie is that it sees that you already have 38 megs of that download in your temp files so it tells the server that the first 38 meg is already there. the simple routine to display speeds/times on the server takes it at face value and reguesstimates your current speed/time left as if you had dl'ed the first 38 meg in the first second. if you had cared to notice your speed from then on would have steadily dropped because your real speed combined with the burst would equal less apparent speed every time it was recalculated. granted, your test will be slowed down a little if you test here from the uk, but it should still show up pretty fast, and afaik one of the site members has a mirror in germany. iirc it's just- or something. testing off that one should give a more accurate result for you. have a nice day.

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