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How can I enable Java for FF? I tried through the Java thingy in Control Panel, but whenever I try to apply the Mozilla Java plugin, the Java control panel or whatever it is called says that I have no Mozilla/Netscape installed or it is installed improperly.. I installed Firefox in the default folder (program files).. Any ideas how to make this work so I can use the Java plugin in FF? :D

Edit: Some Java applets work in FF, but for example on pogo.com, the game windows do not load even without ad block.. Does pogo.com not support FF? :(

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Firefox Support


On Windows, Firefox can be used with Sun's Java Runtime Environment (JRE). It can not be used with the Microsoft Java VM, as that can only be used with Internet Explorer. Versions of Sun's JRE older than 1.3.0_01 will not work.

It is possible to install JRE 1.4.2_01 from within Firefox, using XPInstall technology.

By far the easiest way to get Java working is to install Firefox with the Unofficial Installer, then install Java using XPInstall.

If you have already downloaded Firefox as a ZIP file, you can add the registry information that JRE 1.4.2 and later require by hand. To do this, save this registry file to your desktop, and double-click to import it. If you are asked if you want to add the information to the Windows registry, click Yes. After this is done, you can install JRE 1.4.2 if required, then restart Firefox and use Java.

If neither of the above solutions work, you can use JRE 1.4.1_05 until the issue you are having is resolved. JRE 1.4.1_05 does not require the information in the Windows registry that JRE 1.4.2 does.

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