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If you are using XP, you can set up a user name, add it to the guest group, then let the houseguests use that.  Any information in your user profile under documents and settings should be safe from wandering users.  This will also protect your operating system because members of the guest group can't install software or do many of the other things you, as a member of the Administrator group(I assume), can do.

you can set up users with different rights to folders, creating a user 'nosey houseguest' for them to use.

:haha: :haha: :haha: Thats funny!  That is a good idea. But I think they would be offended.

If you are using XP, you can set up a user name, add it to the guest group, then let the houseguests use that.

I find it much easier to use a lock-out program, i have used FolderLock for years & it is bulletproof...drag & drop files into a lockbox area & it not only locks them, but encrypts them too.

Check it out at:



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