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I have an 802.11g. our main computer is wired, but my father in law across the drive wants internet and i have a card here that will work in his computer. but a while back I tried it and it didn't work(prolly my skills, well lack of). The 2 computers are about 200ft from each other (no more than 300ft at the very most, from property line measurements) will this setup work? should we get a different setup? he says he has a buddy that has cable internet and is using a wireless router with his laptop and can go 600 ft from his house to his neighbors and it works great???I find that hard to believe!  I mean we could run a CAT6 cable over to his computer but measured out to get through the pipe and up the wall and over to the computer. is about 425ft or so and i think that is too much wire for signal strength.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Did you find a solution yet? If not, you might want to look into a directional antenna pointed at your neighbors house to get a good signal there.

we have linksys's external antenna that you screw into the router and move a base 6ft away from the router, and we also got their good antannas as well. but I think it's a matter of setting the card up. and for some reason I can't get the cd to install, it's like the cd is fubar'd so I don't know. I mean I want to get intenet access to that computer but damn this is a P.I.T.A


So I don't know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no my problem was solved when I got a pci card that actually worked

fawkn A lol

new card working good.

signal strength of 51-58% through the linksys icon thingie.

through the windows network status thing I am running 36-48mbps

speed tests was yeilding 5.5-5.8 on the down side and 750 on the up side.

not bad for 2 computers pretty much behind concrete and brick with only 2  linksys 7db gain antanne's and a remote locator for the router antennae'(cuz the router is in a desk)

next i am getting a rubber duck 9db antanne from http://www.pcnewsgroups.net/link.aspx?url=http://www.fab-corp.com

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