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I want to thank all those who offered up advice as I lost my mind a short while back. (For those who remember.) I finally got all the bugs worked out...Without having to reformat !!! I used hijack this, much spyware removal, and I finally broke down and purchased Nortons  :angry5: After the nightmare of finding the exact version of my antivirus (to uninstall), and re-installing Nortons it all clicked into place.<br><br> And best yet, Comcast went and upped my speed to 6 meg while I was sleeping :<br><br>:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6200 Kbps about 6.2 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 757 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Dec 05 2005 12:14:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 111X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.35 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 32.96 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-D38F4API6 <br><br>And all I'm paying is 20 bucks a month.  :shock:<br><br> Once again, thank you to testmy and all the great minds...(alright, so I'm being fluffy) who took the time out to help. I wish the best of luck to the administrators, and this site. As always , I'm spreading the good word.

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In response to dilatedpeoples.<br><br>A while back, Comcast offered their standard 4 meg for 19 bucks a month, for a six month trial. I jumped on it.  A month into it, WoW came knocking to offer up 6 meg/sec...(using Comcasts' lines) plus digital cable w/ HBO,encore and starz, plus a dvr all for 89 bucks.....and he added that he would lock the  price for two years. <b>(Shoulda took it !!!)</b> Anyway, took his number to think on it, and immediately called Comcast to tell them of this great deal, and mention as well that I was averaging 2 meg, like 200k/sec at best dnld.  :evil: The phone jockey went through her standard pre-noted ruse, offered to send out help to remedy my "line noise" and blah blah blah. At this point I just told her I would be switching service and I thanked her for her time. <b>IMMEDIATELY</b> following the "you" she interupted me to "hang on to talk to someone else"....Tier 2 I suppose. I held for a moment and a very stern lady resumed. She promised to get someone out the next day...(amazingly, he showed) and began ripping apart WoW by telling me they out-sourced their employees and they used Comcast lines, and it wasn't true digital...Blah blah blah. Please bare with me....If you try this you'll go through the same.<br><br>Finally after not really budging she told me that when my trial ended she would extend it if I called her. She gave me her operator # and name. Long story short, six months ended so I called to see if she would come through and lo and behold, after listening to another pitch on how great Comcast was, and rhapsody this, and free mcaffee that, she gave me a 25 dollar discount for a whole year.  :D  I'm serious. <b>AMAZING !!!</b> You just have to hold out. <br><br>If you legitimately threaten to leave, they will hook you up. Especially if you spend 100 bucks a month. (I do need my hockey now!!!) I spend 95 bucks for 6 meg, dvr, dig cable w/HBO. <br><br>Hope that helped, and sorry for the wind.

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