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I bought a directway 6000 system of of craigslist and went to the local installer whom told me they were about 6 weeks out for instalation. I decided i couldn't wait that long so i installed the thing myself.

When chosing which satelite to conect to I tried the one that the previous owner had conected to (87 west) but could not get a signal higher then 15 so I decided to start going down the list of satelites under advanced setup starting with g3c_1307_17k (95 west) which to my suprise was relatively easy to pick up compared to 87 west and i got a signal of 60 in about 5 minutes. So I decided to move on now to the ACP test, after trying both manual and automatic (not quite sure the difference) for over an hour I keep getting the "Result: can't Start" message

Does anyone have any ideas? am I leaving something out?

Thanks  :D

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wewdy....welcome to the forum,,, :D

First of all...you really can't install the system your self...not that it's that diffcult....but the system needs to be commissoned by Dway. When it is pointed at a sat....and locked on...Dway gives you the freq. to use and sends a file to your modem to turn it on and make it work. I know of no way to get around that process. And I don't know of anyone that has gotten around it. The installer has a phone number and employee ID number when he/she calls in the modem ser. number ...which sets up your site ID....now it knows where to send the file. This step must occur for the system to work....sorry I couldn't be more help.. :cry:

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you'll probably need a new registration number to register it on the satellite too....

Call and tell them you are trying to setup an account using USED equipment, and tell them what satellite you are pointed at.  They might end up forcing you to have an installer come out, which will cost about 200 bucks, but I suppose you might be able to call a local installer and get their rate first.

Hey Aggr3, are you enjoying the misery that is Satmex5?...lol...

Don't worry, the new default install satellite is AMC9, and thats the one im on...so they'll oversell that guy soon too i bet....

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Hey Aggr3, are you enjoying the misery that is Satmex5?...lol...

Don't worry, the new default install satellite is AMC9, and thats the one im on...so they'll oversell that guy soon too i bet....

I wouldn't call it misery..it still works ok...dish is 6yrs old...just wish I was still running my 4000.....

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Hey: wewdy  Welcome to the site.

From what Aggr3 said is true you need an installer to set it up, Federal law. You my have saved you some money setting it up for them . Now they just have to commisson it. Once they have commissioned it, you can do any thing you want to it, with out them knowing. ;)

The installer probally will fine tune it better because they won't be in a hurry to set it up. :) If your lucky.

Good luck.

I had Earthlink at first for three years, now I have DirecWay for about a year now. Saved me $10.00. Big deal lost dialup for backup. But they told me if I do loose service just call them and they will give me a number to use dialup temporarily. Also I don't have their software on my Comp thats nice less garbage running in the background.

When I switched they commissioned it as a used system.

Aggr3 I'm glad I kept my 4000. I read a lot on different  forums and I learned not to upgrade. I even learned from your mistake. Thanks. :haha:

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