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Hello guys I'm having a very big problem here and don't know what to do, ok here is the story

I am currently with comcast with the 3mb 256k plan and up until a week ago everyting was going very very well I was getting speeds between 3 megs and sometimes i would get 3.2 megs for the download but never below 3 megs, well then suddenly last wednesday 11/24 I decided to run a speedtest here on testmy like u usually did about every 3 days or so and i got 1.1 megs for the download the upload was fine and it alaways has been normal even now it is but the download is what im worried about ever since that last wednesday i have called comcast technicians came out twice including today checked the lines and everything seems to be fine I have reformatted my HD like 3 times thinking that it was my pc that was having problems and so finally today the tech guy from comcast gave me this private technician comcast speed testing site that they appereantly use and i tested from there and i get excellent scores i get about 3.1 - 3.2 megs down and about 247k up which is great but the problem is every where else i test including this site i get speeds of 1.1 -1.2 megs down top! and when i download a file from a fast server my download speed is at like 125k - 150k which should be at 375k - 388k my browsing speed is fine however. So I have tried everything and nothing works i have checked my tcp settings my rwin and so on nothing is working the only place where i get the normal speeds whicjh I should be getting is that private comcast testing place that comcast techs use. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Usually, IPS's testing sites download small files, which using boost, will turn out to be a bit higher than your actuall speed. for example, verizons site says i have 1.6megs downloading a 500K file. Here i get 1.3-1.4 downloading 1000KB. My boost speed gives it an additional .2mbps. Im not sure why you drop down to 1.1 though. Try turning off your modem, thats all i could think of for now.

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He's referring to power-cycling your modem. All you have to do is unplug the power to it for 10-15 seconds, then plug it back in. This will cause it to download certain files again.

This isn't my field of expertise(not that I have one), so Van will probably have a better answer for you.

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