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i recently purchased a laptop but sold my desktop.. i'm able to connect to the internet through the modem and router that i had previously purchased but i kept the same settings as if i still had my desktop connected to my router... anyways my question is, is this the correct way to connect to the internet when u only have a modem, router, and laptop,...... remember i no longer have a desktop and no longer have the need for a network to share files on...

My other question is what tweeks should i do to make my connection faster.. on average i get around 3.1 or 3.3 on your test when i think i should at least be getting the 4.0.. what settings should i change on my laptop? just incase ur wondering i live in miami fl and have comcast as my internet provder..

thxs for the help!!

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Hey welcome,

Need more information, what is your providers caps (up/download speeds), are you running wireless on your laptop, and are you running any tweaks now like Vanburen's Cablenut setting with the Cablenut program?

Your Friend,


P.S. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and great New Year!

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i that case you can lose the router unless you want the hardware firewall it usually provides. it shouldn't affect speed significantly.

and if you are connecting the laptop to the router wired the same tweaks as for the desktop should work.

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hey compuworm... i have comcast and im not sure if my caps are 4.0/384 or 6.0/384.. thi ng is i had trhe 6.0 before wilma but once wilma passed by and our cable got restored i think they put me on the 4.0 tier... on avergage i'm getting like 66 percent of my promised speed and thats on your test on testmy.net..... i dont wanna get rid of the router cause i want tro be online wireless.. and i am running cablenut and vanbroun settings for 4.0/384.. thxs

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Well, I would definitely run the Vanburen 6/384 ccs file.  So if I understand you correctly, you are running your laptop wirelessly through the router? 

Another question, what kind of router are you using (make, model, version), and are you using any tweaking firmware on it like, Hyperwrt?


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