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I am very much ready to build my next computer - and I have a big dillema - I have read numerous reviews for the best SLI/Overclocking motherboards out there and have concluded that these two motherboards steal the game

MSI K8N Neo4/SLI Platinum


They are far more superior over other motharboards and will give me the best performance

I lean towards the MSI motherboard but the other day I was reading the Hardocp.com review of the said m/b and they claim, at the end of their review, that there are some errors in the area of overclocking that the MSI itself cannot even fix - !?!?!?!? -

Does anyone have any idea about this ? What is this all about ? Has anyone used any of these 2 motherboards before - I really do appreciate input before I finalize my purchase


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I am very much ready to build my next computer - and I have a big dillema - I have read numerous reviews for the best SLI/Overclocking motherboards out there and have concluded that these two motherboards steal the game

MSI K8N Neo4/SLI Platinum


They are far more superior over other motharboards and will give me the best performance

I lean towards the MSI motherboard but the other day I was reading the Hardocp.com review of the said m/b and they claim, at the end of their review, that there are some errors in the area of overclocking that the MSI itself cannot even fix - !?!?!?!? -

Does anyone have any idea about this ? What is this all about ? Has anyone used any of these 2 motherboards before - I really do appreciate input before I finalize my purchase


I have used the MSI and the only problem is its a little slow.

I have the DIF LanParty NF4 MB and i love it, its the fastest and most relyable one out there right now. If you going to spend that kinda money get the DIF MB.

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so you think its definitely worth the $ ? - i mean, i was thinking of spending about 200 dollars on a case, and thought it thru - decided to spend more on a motherboard and keep the case in the 100 dollar range

Yes i think it is worth the $

but you could get this MB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813136158 for $165

and if your not going to use SLI get this board http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813136152 for $132

The main difference is the stuff that comes with it and maby 2-4fps in gaming,

If your not going to do SLI get the board for $132.

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;) i think ill go with the dfi dr sli motherboard, and i guess when it comes to motherboards we also have the same taste - im going with antec, but with the following case


i guess its a very similar case to the one you recommend

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