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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2016 in Posts

  1. Hi, I pay 10$ /month for unlimited download/upload, and I have an actual speed of 100/90 Mbits/s upload/download This speed is sustained and has high quality and low latency all across the board. Check this provider, RDS/RCS Romania - Only available there, of course, but puts to shame about 90% of the world PS: After a double check, you can after all have 500 Mbps Download and 200Mbps Upload in a single pack, with an appropriate router that the Telco will provide, and all of that for 39 RON, which is about 10$ Here's the link, and I've lived there for a couple of years and never had (or heard of) any performance issues in internet access from anyone. Top quality service at a truly fair price. Link: http://www.rcs-rds.ro/internet-digi-net/fiberlink?t=internet-fix&pachet=digi_net_fiberlink_500&id_pachet=13&pas=rezumat_comanda
    2 points
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