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Everything posted by euskir

  1. You can find some help about plugins and extensions issues here: http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/releases/1.5beta1.html
  2. Since yesterday I'm testing Firefox 1.5 beta 1 version. No major bugs until now. I've got Safari, Firefox, IE and Opera, that order is the way I use them. Some great add to Firefox look is Firefoxy. One thing I'm not so happy about is the "location bar". I like the "autofill" in the location bar, like Safari or IE, just type a few letters and you've got the information from your Favorites right there. Yes, there's Keyword in Firefox, but it's not a great thing. But I will like to know if someone can share some tips about Keywords or other method to work with the location bar.
  3. There's a new Firefox for Mac (since a couple of hours ago), it's 1.5 beta 1 version. Looks ok, fast, and with new stuff, like the commands to open your mail apllication, to check mail or compose. Well, I'm just taking a tour with this new toy...
  4. Usually you've got four cds (or one DVD). There you'll find the OS and the applications (browser, mail, utilities, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, Quicktime...), and also the Xcode a set of tools for developers.
  5. Apple Macintosh Computers come with the OS installed. You can't run Apple OS on a PC, but you can run Windows OS on a Mac using an application called Virtual PC.
  6. I don't know...some people say that browsers are working better with OS X 10.4
  7. Yes, it's a well known "issue", even for Mac users, that we are still waiting for a browser fast enogh in Mac as on WIndows.
  8. I'm using Firefox 1.0.6 Still slow start after many, many openings. And the load of the pages is too much slower than Safari.
  9. As a Mac user I've got to say that Safari is beating all of them now, specially after the last update. Faster, with some little issues, mainly dealing with WMP or other Microsoft plugin. My second choice is Firefox, but it's kind of heavy, years just to open. And a weird choice. I'm using a lot NetNewsWire, and RSS reader, as browser. you can even download files and work with tabs.
  10. euskir


    Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba, is offering some help. Including a special medical task force of one hundred speciailist in emergencies.
  11. euskir


    Well Bones, nice to hear some good news...I'm praying to see a CSS of good news.
  12. euskir


    Get real... The situation is hell. No enough food, water or medical supplies. It's not time to ask why? Maybe later, not now.... You can find links to help everywhere... Or start here http://www.helpmefindthem.org/
  13. euskir


    You must add Venezuela to the list. I think they were the first ones.
  14. euskir


    Reuniendo a las v
  15. I'm blind here. Because I know exactly what an application installs on a Mac, but not quite sure about a PC.
  16. cak46: I think if it's not an extension there's no way to look under Tools. But, I don't know, perhaps the Mozilla PC is slightly different from the Mac one.
  17. Ok. It's not an extension. Then a good idea is a full Mozilla reinstall, with a clean profile. I was asking about the "extension" because you can add stuff from within the Mozilla browser (extensions for different tasks, like checking mail or perform some searches, and much more).
  18. I've got three Macs, so my experience with PC issues is very short but... First I will trace everything related to the Yahoo installation (extension, preferences) it's obvious that something "evil" is still bothering your Mozilla browser. Of course the other path lead us to Mozilla. You did the reinstall, but what about the Mozilla folder? Because the Mozilla folder keeps all the preferences data (called profile). And a question? Do you install the Yahoo update as a Mozilla Extension? Reeading my own message I say: try "Mozilla" path first.
  19. Yeap...Working ok here.
  20. Thanks for the ultra fast answer...
  21. Yesterday was the first time I saw this: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/testmyn/public_html/results_d.php on line 453 After cleaning history and cache from my browser everything went back to normal, but now it's happening again.
  22. Yes. I think the problem was that I was not doing the test like a login user.
  23. Yesterday I was having some problems with the login, and now that's fixed. But...there's no stats from yesterday on my stats page.
  24. Thanks for the fast answers... My first choice was to clean cache and history (I'm on Safari). If it doesn't work next time I will delete cookies.
  25. I know today's database update, but I've got to login everytime I open the website? It's a normal behavior?
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