This is my result using IE. A little better. However I found this on the copperheadpc website
"Well, according to the manufacturer you should get up to 400Kbps. That's decent by most peoples standards. 400Kbps meets & even exceeds some dsl modem services. The new DirecWay Satellite Return System (SRS) also advertises speeds "Up to 400Kbps", but is capable of considerably more"
So i guess I am getting a god speed...just wish I could tweak more! It is way better than my dial up was!!!
I stopped using IE because of the pop ups. Even with the best popup stoppers I still would receives some. Mozila - NO popups ever............
Connection is:: 1039 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)
Download Speed is:: 127 KB/s
Tested From::
Bottom Line:: 19 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.06 second(s)
Validation Link::