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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. well, to explain wht for example f1's don't have auto's: they are banned, because they work too well. the gear changes must be initiated by the driver using paddles or stick or whatever he wants, but the tranny may not shift on its own. same nascar, the cost of developing racing autos to handle the power needed would be too high, so nascar nixed em from the get go. same reason no traction control, antilock, active suspension, stability program etc, etc, etc. i think the only pro racers that would want to have the manual instead of auto are the rally drivers, since they drive a completely different style from others.
  2. rtb pulls a blank on mir since they reentered that bad boy years ago...
  3. well, look at a globe, put your hand above the equator approximating a bird, and take the angle. it's a pita to look for trees and houses when placing a dish, but i guess the scandinavians are far worse... honey, fetch me my varmint rifle, that damn elk is blocking my outdoors network again!
  4. hm, wonder how much the speed is a function of available switches and how much of users having to share the high but not unlimited bandwidth on the birds. that would also explain drops during bad atmospheric condition/high use times.
  5. edit am on the same service. on a good day, on a good link, you can go as high as the 2900s
  6. rotflmbfhao chill, pretty much the speed i get. better than pos prtc dsl any day.
  7. let's see...
  8. i /was/ actually kidding. come to think of it, our directv hookup here uses a bird over panama. weird sitting there having your dish going almost due west when you're used to being able to use dishes as a fairly good compass. (in germany anyway, where most widespread use is astra system. iirc they are pretty much due south, and damned low of course, due to latitude. at 35 degrees or so, i think, from northern germany.
  9. and here i was thinking direcway had phased array transmitters on their sat to be able to create individual hotspots. giving too much credit, i guess.
  10. ya. to you. be nice to your isp. tech you call prolly dont know there is a prob. once you've gotten the runaround to the royal shaft you have a right to throw a fit, lol.
  11. it saddens me to say that i couldnt find one of the one with the real external power. it was back in the late 90's anyhow. the power supply was one of the kind 230 power cord in, then a box about 3by4by5 12v to the card. when i first saw it in the mag, i lmbfhao.
  12. overclocking. ok, fine. risk your hardware. but this guy takes it to an extreme... what, the gpu on my card isn't flat, causing bad heatsink contact? well darn it, i'll just sand it down. http://www.overclockersclub.com/guides/howtolapvideocard.php
  13. http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/20040323/opengl-fx1100-x2t-01.html there's one with a hookup for a drive's power supply plug. later these got upgraded to a special 6 pin connector.
  14. the 3dlabs wildcat realizm 800 says on it's data sheet 150 watts of available system power for graphics card. jinkies!
  15. with music it's not the artists that make the money, it's the record company. the amount of money an artist gets in royalties is ridiculous. that's why the record companies watch their sales so much.
  16. come to think of it, something i would have done had the car been available: if a rental place offers the car you're looking to buy, rent it, and really test it for a day or 2, or get a cheap weekend deal or something. if you find things that annoy you, it's well worth the money spent.
  17. i remember a card by i think 3dlabs that had an external power supply that you jacked into the card above or below the vga connector. this was due to the mainboard not being able to handle the load to the agp slot. hence the development of the agp pro. some of the older cards were similar in that you had to connect a power cable intended for a drive into them to boost their power.
  18. theoretically, you are right. but on the other hand, they do have an undead army of evil lawyers at their beck and call, and the mpaa, riaa et al would be only too glad to make an example of someone.
  19. i second vangelis. the name of the game is test drive. if the dealer won't let you take it out for an hour, find another. plenty of dealers, and you're buying only 1 car.
  20. bah. not even hackers. just pimplyfaced kids with nothing better to do thinking they're so cool dl'ing a script that runs canned attacks.
  21. yeah, will grab it too. what i meant was a run once at startup, then get the hell out of my ram kind of deal.
  22. fraggin scriptkiddies, i say. another good reason to just have your router ignore icmp traffic.
  23. good deal. thing is, then you get them newfangled type trutype fonts an crap, and your up a certain creek without a paddle again because the people designing em are too lazy, dim, careless to include all the symbols....
  24. it seems you should stray from the direcway forum more often...
  25. hm, sounds good, would i be able to set it to run once at startup, clean the machine, and then terminate?
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