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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. actually ending a post with THINK! doesn't seem such a bad idea. is the right thing to do any time...
  2. mmh. gmt is merely a timezone. like eastern, mountain etc. et al.and why do people insist on calling it military time. looking at a time and not needing to look for am pm is sooo much more convenient.
  3. i guess this isn't just me. every time a page on the forum is opened, a fragging hoopload of .gifs get dl'ed. the buttons, the smilies, widgets, dingbats and whatnots. one way to reduce server load might be to take all that <fluff> and host it offsite? meaning i open the page, and all the images get pulled from somewhere else. with the number of posts and reads, that would make up quite a few saved file transfers. and all those little niggling things do add up.
  4. well, they actually wouldn'tlet em put the carrier where they wqanted, said they dont want mil. jets in their airspace, nixed the marines idea to set up a beachhead. sounds like somone over there is feeling their oats and btw, denke is think. thanks would be danke.
  5. sounds like microwave is dealing with the 12 o'clock flashers. you know, the kind of people that have 12:00 flashing on every single appliance in the house... respect to ya. worst kind of support you can be asked to give.
  6. according to yahoo they took it off the ap wire 2:35 hours ago, so i guess it's normal for the major networks to be lagging a bit. besides, there's not all that much hard info in the article. yet. edit cnn.com has an article as of 2111 eastern time.
  7. now that little lunchbox sized munchkin of a mac is downright sweet. none of the teletubby effect of an iMac, good specs, that thing has settop box written all over it. hook it up to tv, cordless mouse keyboard, and all those movies that somehow end up on your home computers never need to see a cd-r or dvd-r again. i bt it even has a nicely quiet fan, if it has one at all.
  8. first off, you locked your topic, so we can't reply there. second, should have been first, welcome to the show. third, run the speedtests here, post the results along with a traceroute, and you'll get more help than you can shake a stick at.
  9. Extensive research has revealed that the main source of computer errors is located somewhere between the chair and the keyboard.
  10. I drink to drown my worries. On some days, i feel they can swim.
  11. :haha: :haha:
  12. BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - Indonesia announced that U.S. and other foreign troops providing tsunami disaster relief must leave the country by the end of March and ordered aid workers Wednesday to declare their travel plans or face expulsion from devastated Aceh province on Sumatra island. end quote you've got countries and aid organizations bending over backwards to help, and they unship the red tape.
  13. well, i'm gonna defend the auto, so maybe when you were running the 12 psi you were getting a compression that was too high, causing premature ignition (knocking) and powerloss and engine damage? or the electronics took note of the onset of knocking and riched the fuel mixture accordingly, preventing it but again resulting in powerloss due to too rich a mix.
  14. well, i'm gonna lean on that router again. if the router has a jack marked specially for modems and the like, you will want to plug the modem in there. what usually happens in that case is the following. when both power up, the router gets an ip for it's wan side from the modem, and then starts distributing the ip's for it's lan side. these two /halves/ are connected only by the nat, so the router in the dw6000 shouldn't be able to see the comps behind the router/firewall (and isn't that the whole idea) anyhow, so it shouldn't try to give them ip's as well. likewise the comps, they only see the router as a gateway. they can of course ping et al the modem, but the modem sees all this as coming from the router.
  15. but what is the malicious spyware remover? the ms one?
  16. i know nothing about the dw6k, but i will say this much. both the modem and the router should be dhcp's, since usually the following takes place: the modem connects to the provider, and receives an ip via dhcp. it then assigns an ip, usually in the public 192.168.x.x range to the device connected to it, no matter if its a comp, a router or whatever else. the router is connected to the modem via a special port, one it /knows/ is the wide area network connection. the router then assigns addresses, again in the 192.168.x.x range to the devices connected to it. via its other ports. these comps or internet enabled refrigerators or whatever take this address for their own use, list the router as a gateway to the WAN and configure themselves appropriately. at least they should. to the outside world, your network looks like it has only the one device, the router connected to the modem. when any of the comps you are hooking up want to get data from the web, they send the request via the router, which transposes the request onto the ip assigned to it by the modem. once the replies to these requests come in, they are rerouted in your network to the appropriate comp. this is generally termed as NAT, network address translation since the router is an intermediary changing the ips of the involved packets. so if your modem assigns an ip to a single comp connected to it, it should do the same for a router hooked up to it. that's the way that part of the net should look.
  17. the only thing really needed at this point is some solid data on the usage of the 100mbps, and some correlation of that with tests perceived as slow. i'm beginning to suspect they occur even before the link reaches full cap, so that would have to be takwen into consideration for any modification of the testing script to balance the load.
  18. :haha: but seriously, how rural are you there? i mean, costa rica should have access to sea cable/landline hookups. start your own isp, then you get all the speed you want.
  19. the tech that hooked up my cable modem used this site. i then used it to tweak my 98se. now if only CA3LE can figure out where these spurious dips in speed that some people are reporting come fom before the rest of he world logs on...
  20. yeah, my net name is diff, thing is it even disconnects me when he fires up. at least him firing up seems to be the only consistent event happening when my connection goes down the drain. even explicitly telling xp to reconnect the link fails. if that doesnt stop i'm gonna find out which neighbor it is, buy an old microwave and remove the magnetron, then bombard his house with it constantly, until all his electronics die. mwahahahahaha
  21. hm, interesting. am on a m$ mn-700, and every time the neighbor, apparently, fires up his wireless network, the notebook looses connectivity. i run the wpa encryption, he doesn't encrypt at all. what can i try besides changing the broadcast channel on the base?
  22. if it was a fanboy rpg
  23. deftly dodges the comet and calls his old pal prostetnic yeltz to inform him that rtb is on soe prime real estate that needs to be /cleared/.
  24. along with wasting too much time fiddling wih comps et al, i did a job training at deutsche telekom for IT systems tech. basically 3 years of everything from installing pots to maintaining comps, and planning the same etc.
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