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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. i still don't think the speed hickups, or should i say chokes, are a routing problem. i think it's the 100 mbit link to the backbone maxing out. 33 users at 3 mbit=max. several speedfreaks like rtb, he is soooooo fast, and the whole thing bottlenecks. bah.
  2. organshifter. awesome review!
  3. is anyone familiar with the BOFH? i find those columns to be one of the few things that keep me sane when dealing with users problems. the thought of blackmailing, maiming, abusing or just plain killing off bothersome users is downright therapeutic. i guess that goes for any kind of job in service industry. i wonder how many burger-flippers fantasize about just putting a bomb in a carry-out when the customer is annoying? IT could be such a wonderful profession, but for all the users.
  4. there ya go rtb. and i looooove trolls. especially in shadowrun. they make room for wonderful foreplay. er, i meant roleplay. cheers!
  5. http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df/Detail_Desc.asp?agr=N&ProductID=178&DwnldID=4665 thats the inf updater for the 810 chipset i believe you have. edit sorry, wrong driver. http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df/Detail_Desc.asp?agr=N&ProductID=178&DwnldID=7948 that's the inf
  6. it's just driving me balmy that a fairly simple problem is aggravated by manufacturers not putting out updated drivers for xp if the hardware is more than a year old at the time, or even new hardware that relies on 3rd party drivers to run with xp. or having to run old drivers with xp etc. i wish we could just get your problem fixed nd get on with it, instead of running into a problem every step of the way. did you check intel for a chipset installer for your chipset?
  7. <groan> we need to close this damn thread already. making me balmy. then one should be able to get the correct chipset installer direct from intel. :roll:
  8. yeah, i second rtb. a spyware remover from microsoft? raaaaaiiight. sounds like a remover for everyone elses spyware and an installer for billy boys finest. beware of black helicopters! they are watching you!
  9. yeah, teacher /is/ a calling atm, because no one in their right mid would do it for the money they get paid. or not. sure, there's those few and far between that want to make a difference, but how fast do you think they burn out, having to consider taking a second job just so they can keep up teaching? the sad truth is that talent goes where the money is, so a lot of talented people are put off by the thought of being poor to teach. good intenttions only go so far.
  10. thats the inf patch for your board, supposed to cover xp. http://www.biostar.com.tw/support/driver/model.php3?name=M6TWG got it off that page. interestingly enough, it doesn't list crystal audio asa possible sound chipset. there are images you can look at, so you might want to crack the case and takea peek at what you have. but do the inf patch first, that might help windoze detect the correct driver to use. i'd be surprised if it doesn't have a matching one, it's just confused because it doesn't know what in tarnation it's dealing with. edit :evil: ok, great. just fragging great. it appears that it lists only two chipsets for driver dl, but the images to id the chipset /do/ contain the crystal et al. edit as they say, rtfm. http://www.biostar.com.tw/support/driver/AC97_Det.zip that's a util that i guess will tell you what you have. i pray.
  11. van that screenshot of yours gave me a flashback to when i was working in the it department of the german branch of trelleborg ab. had one of the guys from the home office come in with his notebook, he needed something or other fixed. yeah sure, we can take a look at it. <powerup> oh shit. houston, we have a problem. i hope ms didn't change the order of the menu items in the localized version... :tongue:
  12. ok justin. one more time. we all know you have ac'97 sound, many do. but there is slight differences in how exactly each board manufacturer lashes the damn thing into his setup, so you need to find out the manufacturer of your [glow=red,2,300]MAINBOARD[/glow] and its precise model and go to that site and doenload the drivers there. and this goes for anyone else and all other hardware too. the preferred source for any driver is the manufacturer. only if that fails should one try different drivers at random.
  13. to restate, not making fun of disaster, making fun of cospiracy theorists trying to pin blame for major natural event on someone. it saddens me to see that you yhink i would stoop so low. sniff.
  14. they is just the collective monicker i have given to the voices in my head.
  15. from what you describe in the faq about your ul method, you submit data to a form. format the data that is submitted into chunks like the upload, either by submitting chunks or by putting a linefeed character, not an actual one, i mean, just a series of chars your form would be able to filter, and monitor the filling of the form in realtime. then each time one of the linefeeds hits, you advance the bar one. that way all the monitoring runs on your end, nothing client side, and if it isn't 100%accurate, well, some indication of progress is better than none. and for all those looking for some feedback at all, i noticed that the progress bar for loading the page in ie6 gives at least feedback on wether the thing is still uling or not.
  16. ok, the prog works, but did you get the drivers you want/need?
  17. yeah, ask away. like they say, if you put 20 million monkeys on crack in front of typewriters, one of them is bound to produce some worthwhile output.
  18. hm, was it not clear that i was not seeing the humor in the catastrophe but rather in the concept of some conspiracy theorists actually thinking the cia, usarmy, aliens, dude on grassy knoll had something to do with it?
  19. well, actually i'd have to say texas people are smart because of bush. my point was that teachers are deplorably underpaid, therefore undermotivated, schools are underfunded, the educational system in the us, the only thing that stands between now and a future with no job, no hope, no future kids (not because of the kids, but because they are simply not givn the chance to learn even the basics), is going down the shitter in a hurry. i am located in puerto rico, every puerto rican is an american citizen, but the public schools do not even teach english. is that fucked up or what?
  20. ack here i go knocking the school system and making a freudian slip.. read as ...like in the first place. ...
  21. i have done some research into the earthquake catastrophy in SE asia. according to my results, many of the deaths there were caused by dihydrogen monoxide overdoses. no, i am not a heartless bastard. it's just that there are so many damn conspiracy theories that even the truth sounds off. and for all that haven't gotten it, dihydrogen monoxide, H2O
  22. yeah, ok, robin hood lives. but remember, if you keep stealing from the king eventually the king will go broke. don't slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs! if you regularly use a certain program, game, whatever, BUY IT! support the hordes of people slaving away in cubicles writing software! there /is/ no such thing as a free ride. and since you use p2p, apparently you are not too fond of the results from opensource efforts. but that's what you will be stuck with if the major corps dont get paid. <store soapbox> <exit, stage left>
  23. 55.95 us funds 3000/256 adelphia in PR
  24. with the state the school system is in i guess we should be glad there's students out there that know what a map of the us looks like in the first class, much less ones that are able to make the leap of imagination to recognize a similar shape. PAY TEACHERS LESS THAN A PITTANCE!
  25. hm, a word to the wise: don't even think about it. replacing the plugs is not really that hard, except if you are extremely inept, you can google for the specs on the power supply etc, but i second shugs opinion. get a new supply. in fact, youre swapping mainboard from at to atx, that probably means that you're also swapping ram and graphics... so buy a new case with atx power supply, and keep the old box around, set it up as a second system. you can never have too many working comps in the house, never know when one might go tits up and you need to dl stuff etc.
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