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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. hm, you said you give the locals access to tractors et al, by the way, awesome. that means you would be able to run hydraulics lines up the tower, and use hydraulic actuators to move the dish. a long lever with the ram at the end should give accurate finetuning, and you wouldnt have to worry about installing a gimbaled mount, just bend the girder the dish is strapped to... hm, i think i need to go to bed...
  2. the term 5 by 5 has it's oots in the 3 letter abbreviations used for communicating via morse code. int zbz for example would be request/query (int) signal quality (zbz) there is lso a breakdown of that, the codes elude me atm, where one is signal strength, the other clarity, both on a scale of 1 (crud) to 5 (sweet). hence 5 by 5, signal strength and clarity good. not to mention that the lack of a reply if you're a one is a reply all in itself.
  3. hm, i wonder what your family not to mention the locals will say when they wake up one sunny day to find something akin to the spider/train/robot from wild wild west in your backyard.
  4. i'm talking about the engine sensing knocking and slapping a bandaid on it to prevent selfdestructing. that's the main reason why you usually lose power if you run a car that needs premium or more with plain old regular.
  5. what would help most is the exact model, if you have, since most of the big companies give all that info online.
  6. well, to give credit where credit is due, the electric motor idea isn't mine. a buddy of mine, this was when i still lived in germany, wanted to use his 80cm dish to get both the astra and eutelsat birds, actually it's whole constellations on the same bearing, astra must be up to 8 birds in one box or so, since he got himself the soft and hardware to decode dvb using his comp. he ended up pulling a total of 600 or so channels off the birds, 15 percent of them porn. hehe. anyhow, all he needed to adjust was bearing, so he staked his dish outside his window, taped, ducttaped, of course, a cheapo cordless drill to it, and inserted a threaded bar into the chuck. this he threaded into the dishes base with an extension from the original mount. by watching the signal strength on his comp and controlling motor speed / direction with a transformer for an electric train set that was hooked up to the drill via cables out his window, he could actually reposition to the two constellations. granted, once a day he'd have to go out anways to stand the rig up again or fix something else, but it worked. edit and for the lnb/transducer tweaking, servos for controlling the sails on rc sailboats have quite a bit of torque, so they might be able to hold up against a windload. don't know how /fixed/ they stay when powered down though. plus probably too much throw for the finagling you would need there.
  7. that confirms it, the rev is spying on us using direcways birds. need to make myself an aluminum foil deflector beenie.
  8. what i meant was the amount of boost. the higher boost you ran on the auto causing effectively a higher compression ratio, that triggering the engine comp to rich up the mixture to prevent knocking, meaning in essence you're making more power at 10 pounds of boost than at 12, hence the faster time on the manual.
  9. simplest thing prolly 3 sets of worm gears for 3 axis. and a good way to arrest them in desired position. add 3 windshield wiper motors to the cranks, some cabling... wouldn't need much travel, it would just be to fine tune within what, tenths of degrees max to min? thats why worm gears prolly best, with a fixed rack on the dish. best fine tuning.
  10. heh, the sausage is to help keep prep time under 8 hours.
  11. well, there is actually already a few products. this link http://www.iza.com/zwo_org/Applications/Continuous_Galv/PDFs/03Reier.pdf is to a pdf, which is mostly about the application process, but at the bottom it has some info on the material itself. for anti-graffiti, the stuff is hydrophobic, oleophobic and organophobic, so whatever you're trying to spray, it will come off easily. he.
  12. for repointing the dish and tweaking to account for ornital wobble and wandering sattelites, you should be able to adjust a telescope pointing system, no? that way you wouldn't have to crawl up to the platform every time. or, if you prefer manual, maybe adapting something like a 20 mm AAA stationary handcranked mount. probably need a bigger tower then...
  13. first off, i cheat in my recipe. i use these packs of seasoned italian pork sausage from costco, all you need to do is strip em from their skin, bingo preseasoned ground meat, and they come in two flavors, mild and hot, so that's a good way to grade the result from the start. the mild ones btw are also great to start a spaghetti sauce. hehe. and if i'm feeling wimpy, i add liberal doses of sour creme to the bowl, in addition tto the half quart or so of half and half that is in the pot anyhow, for flavor and color. gives it that nice coppery touch, and fat is a great taste carrier.
  14. BASF press release <begins> The lotus effect keeps the leaf surface clean The clean leaves of the lotus plant provided the inspiration for studies on the self-cleaning of surfaces. Botanist Professor Wilhelm Barthlott of Bonn University succeeded in explaining the lotus effect and utilizing it for technical applications. The self-cleaning process is based on the extremely water-repellent behavior of the leaf surface, also known as superhydrophobia. The water droplets form spherical globules and roll off the leaves even when they are only slightly inclined. Particles of dirt absorbed by the water are removed in the process, as we can see happening with this droplet on the leaf of the ancient Asiatic crop plant Colocasia esculenta. In this picture taken by Barthlott's research team, we can also see the papillae on the cuticula. These papillae about 5 to 10 micrometers high are themselves coated by a fine nanostructure of wax crystals. <ends> the water droplet with adhering dirt. hi-res of same. http://www.corporate.basf.com/basfcorp/copsfiles/pressefotodb/1209_lotuseffekt-lotus_effect.jpg?id=2Oqn.6BEbbcp1pC more to follow...
  15. you disappoint me. i figured a snakeeater would feel right at home there...
  16. hm. dog is right, i believe that cats however believe that they are in fact the masters, the humans are merely there to dispense feed and clean the litterbox.
  17. hm, i wonder what the electro-reflective properties of the lotus-effect paints are. these use microparticles to create a surface so finely textured that nothing adheres to it. this is how the leaf of the lotus keeps from royying from a coat of water. you can pour glue onto it, it will just bead off. sprinkle toner onto it, and you can just rinse it with water. the small particles shouldnt affect the refl;ection for the pertinent freq range. sounds worth a try.
  18. cheapskates, that's only 43.5 days.and i bet they rape you 2c a minute for the other 1.5 days... mwahaha
  19. love chili. personal recipe takes about 7 to 8 hours start to finish, for about 3 gallons of it. good chili burns 3 times. once in your mouth, then in your belly...
  20. i guess you are looking for what type of ram you have. well, my divining skills are off today, so we have to do it the hard way. is your comp from one of the big vendors? dell, gateway etc? if so, post the model here, and i can take a look at their site to see what it says, or you can try and take a look at your bios, some list at least the type, if not the organization, meaning number of slots used, etc.
  21. even more fun is setting up excel docs with all kinds of graphs and shit to do the same thing, or days till christmas, time to deros or whatever.
  22. 900 hours a month works out to 37.5 days a month... go figure...
  23. yeah, i don't have one but i've picked at one, looked like a decent piece of kit for the price.
  24. my idea was less to limit a certain test to a certain speed, but to not let a new test start unless there was at least say 10mbps available. if the server is under load, and mister fancy schmancy hookup decides to run a test, well, he's sol. the way i see it is that this thing is for the masses and not for corporations to see if their provider is providing them with the full bandwidth. you don't see a user called aohell_admin testing the link from his dallas access point here, do you? to provide that kind of speed i think CA3LE would have to kick every other customer at his hosters site and take /all/ the 12 gigs it has. and that might be a tad expensive, no?
  25. hehe. this mac has /no/ display. you supply your own. and all the macs except the imacs can be hooked up to wutchalike. think!
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