Could be just the Net . Did you try the site VZ gave you. Cablenut program has some tweeaks also try this site
Speeds seem off a tad what do you get with the supplied Router.
Sorry I'm rushing thru this but I'm sick as a dog and tring to get ready for Xmas
Yes . Its legit. Most Speedtest cannot handle the FIOS speed. They just break
Also they have awireless router at compusa for @$59.00 after rebates with the "Wireless N"I would pick that up if the sale did not end. That way you can handle anything up to 100 Mbps and then some. I'm sure Firmware upgrades would be in the pipeline too.
Depending on the unit it may have a MAX of 10Mbps on the wan. Lucky for me the WRT54GS has a 100Mbps and you must set it up for PPPOE.
You are absolutely correct that if the other router has a 10 Mbps max that the "Daisychain" remedy will work albeit the wireless may or maynot be a issue.
Try the LAN Port on the Linksys not the WAN.
I get the install this coming WED 7/13. I and trying to avoid a issue too. This tip was recommended to me. I can not at this point test it.