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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by LLLL

  1. you still have 15 days to cancel and tell them to shove there shitty service.
  2. sounds like a good idea...but make sure u can get it installed!
  3. also do you have the CE version of DW?
  4. lol they ask for your caseid # ...
  5. Do you have the CE version of DW?
  6. lol when i tried to put a picture on there from dslreports its barney, HAHAHA
  7. go here then click the button all the way on the right at the top ( 'system info'), Where it says satellite copy paste all that info that is under there!
  8. ahaha thats would be nice if it ran that fast!
  9. YES and not at the same time. My download speeds are ok but my upload is close to nothing.
  10. either have i in the past 9 months. On the other hand alot of people have problems with horizons, could be that damn satellite.
  11. guys its eveyone, you are not going to get thoes speeds they advertise. Im on SatMex5 and getting the same upload speeds as most people here (other than the ones that are getting 0, which is unnacctable and they would need to contact support for that issue): :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 23 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 KB) Upload Speed is:: 3 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Feb 03 2005 17:36:34 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 341.33 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-VYGIC8ZNH
  12. yes i understand that i saying if that ever so happened and you had to rf a modem you could prolly get to it then. IM NOT SAYING GO OuT AND DO IT!
  13. congrats!!!!!!!! lol wishi could get that shit on a 6000 modem.
  14. maybe not an option but when the modem is just installed you can still access it since it still has not update 100% right? Well maybe if the modem got 'rf'ed that minight working.
  15. what satellites are you both on?
  16. 'Fast downloads' my ass!
  17. IE Also notice that it says up to, that means that as long as your above 200Kbps your fine in their books. DirecWay speeds are based on download speeds of up to 500Kbps. Stated speeds not guaranteed. Something to laugh at:
  18. Yes that 100% true, your signal strenth has nothing to do with speed . jlester - Everone is getting thoes speeds with DirecWay,,,,,unless you get the enhanced uploads accounts....which costs lots more.
  19. yeah, eveone on DW gets slow speeds. DIRECGAY SUCKS!
  20. lol 2 funny
  21. The pin only lasts 7 days.
  22. ok. thoes are some shitty upload speeds!
  23. jlester keep in mind that tweaking a 6000 modem is a [glow=red,2,300]no-no [/glow] due to the fact that its a self hosting system.
  24. Direcway support wont help you much on that because you are reaching a 'good speed' as they like to call it. The minimum that they have to provide is 200kbps, if your getting above that they wont do much for you.
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