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    Aperianeisele reacted to CA3LE in Be nice to have country speed test databases   
    Hey Dave, What is it.... like noon over there! As you can see, I don't sleep... am I a robot? You be the judge.

    Thank you for the feedback. I'll be exploring more detailed statistics, basically like you're saying, in my up coming versions. It's been a goal of mine to provide detailed statistics like that literally since version one. I have new techniques that I'll be implementing that will provide my users with exactly what you're talking about.... without having to bug all my users for private information. Although, it takes time. I am the entire website... I do every aspect of it myself. But I feel that what you're talking about is 6-8 months off and that's factoring in the fact that I have a baby due in early November. I actually wanted exactly THAT to be in version 12 but I want to take some time off for the baby so I released early.

    Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion and let me know what you think. I really appreciate the feedback. Please tell your friends, TestMy.net is word of mouth

    - Damon Mueller
    - TestMy.net

    (I hope you didn't read it in a robot voice... if you did, re-read it normally...)
    Not a robot... right? haha
    I take member suggestions very seriously and this has since been created, visit https://testmy.net/country for details.

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    Aperianeisele reacted to CA3LE in Computer shuts down during testing   
    Hi Marvin,
    When exactly does it shut down? In 15 years I've never had anyone tell me this... I don't think that Comcast or my service are to blame, you have to have a deeper issue it just happens that the methods that my tests evoke may be making the issue more apparent. ... or it's coincidentally shutting down.

    Go to my forum at https://testmy.net/ipb and post your issue, maybe someone has your answers there

    - Damon

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