Well I am the guy in Vegas that they told that to LOL. Maybe I should move to Arizona. Seems that Cox runs things very differently there!
The above is what I find to be common place with Cox CS reps here. I was only over by like 10GB but was told point blank that because it happened 2 months in a row if I did not update from Premium to Ultimate then they would cancel my service. However, I was also told that if I added TV to my service it would help me to cut down on my internet usage. Now that I have had Ultimate for 3 months I just got another email saying that My account "routinely" hits the cap and that if it continues I need to conceder adding a second account to my service address.
And No I am not doing torrents (have a seedbox for those LOL). My bandwidth is from movie streaming (Amazon, Netflix, Hulu) and gaming. Seems Cox here in Las Vegas don't like folks who cut the cord and watch TV via the internet.