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About calgon
- Birthday 01/01/1966
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cheers to hello kitty's beer buddy
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i don't think it's really that big of a deal, i mean - how many trackers are flagged private comparatively speaking? and the article did say that the flag is not honored by BC only when the tracker has been unavailable for a certain amount of time - and that is what DHT is for, right? i'm sitll using BC and still happy - no problems at all so far. i used Azureus before but it hogged to much CPU and the java was just a mess. i actually like BC better. those are the only two i've used so i don't know about others.
bittorrent search engines are completely laden with porn ads, pop ups, hijack crap. all the biggies: isohunt, piratebay, mininova, etc etc etc. they're all gawdawful anymore. how annoying. does anyone know of any halfway decent (no pop ups, minimal ad intrusion) bittorrent search sites????
omigawd, that male brain pic was too funny, raptor :haha:
well, yeah, if you have cargo pants/shorts on. lotsa pockets. i can carry a whole lotta stuff without using a purse also....i just have my husb carry it all in HIS pockets. honestly, i have never needed much of a purse - wallet, lipstick, cell phone, keys and i'm good to go. of course, our wallets are always bigger than y'all's cause we have all of your money.
there's been some scientific evidence to support the way that men and women are intelligent in different ways. something to do with us (women) using both sides of the brain simultaneously while men can only use one side at a time. gives a whole new meaning to 'one track mind'. http://www.yaleherald.com/archive/xix/3.2.95/news/rhyming.html http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/02/14/gender.brain/ http://today.uci.edu/news/release_detail.asp?key=1261
Who's your Favorite actor(s)/actress(es)?
calgon replied to pitbull481's topic in General Discussion
whichever one spends the most time and money giving back something to the communities that made them so gawd-awfully rich. well....ok, right now i'm rather hooked on dennis leary in "rescue me", he's doing a great job with that show/role. -
'Free' online-a-holics re-programming program
calgon replied to ROM-DOS's topic in General Discussion
nah, just set up a family LAN and you'll all be good little addicts together! now that's family time! -
Singapore scientists embrace plan for cyberhugs
calgon replied to ROM-DOS's topic in General Discussion
indeed that's how it would end up, i'm sure - if not how it's actually intended. what an idiotic premise. sort of like the sense of smell via PC, didn't they have hype about that at some point in time? good luck to someone who's gonna try to strap a baby/toddler/young 'un into some contraption for a "hug" from the parent via computer. STUUUUPID. why not just let the person doing the strapping in give a nice hug instead. provided they're allowed. gawd i can't believe how stupid this is. give sight to the blind or sound to the deaf or cure cancer/aids, then i'm all for it -- otherwise enough with the money grubbing PC psuedo-technology. -
it's absurd...i remember waaaaay back when - we used to make cassettes for each other of all the "cool" music (cause it wasn't played on the radio). you'd go to a party where someone had a bunch of good albums, or you'd meet a DJ at an "alternative night" who'd be nice, and you'd get cassettes made from your favorite albums. back then, bands like U2, REM, depeche mode, new order, alison moyet (yaz), front 242, sugarcubes, souxsie and the banshees, the smiths, etc etc etc et al. - you couldn't hear these on the radio in the 80's unless it was a college station. or maybe a few alt stations like KROQ. all of us buying (often hard to find back then) records and trading music (or stealing it as it would have been called then, just as it is today - only the record companies weren't as greedy or as in touch back then) and all of us going out dancing at clubs and going to concerts created today's "alternative" industry for today's record companies by promoting underground (at that time) music. i've never purchased NOR dl'd an album/song by aerosmith, madonna, britney spears, back street boys, or whothehellisthat band with lars the mouth - see i can't even remember the band's name, and countless others. blechhh. never have, never will. ever. i won't pay NOR take that tripe for free. OTOH, i find new bands all the time online who've shared their music with free mp3's and i just HAVE to have their music, so i buy the CDs. i'm sure you've all had similar experiences. and a lot of the time it's some indy record label or the band selling off their website. those bands i have no qualms spending money on. i pay eagerly the $10 or so they charge for their shows. and the $10 or so they charge for their shirts. all i can say to the record companies today is WAAAAAH WAAAH WAAH. and -- oh yeah, tough shite.
why not put the turkeys in a pasture someplace and send some needy children to disney? duh. moronic politicians and beauracratic hooplah. i saw a turkey recipe on TV that involved brining for 6 hours then stuffing it with a quartered lemon, orange and fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage) - then rub the outside with olive oil or butter and season with salt and pepper and orange/lemon zest (i guess you blend all those together and then rub) (me, i'd use chipotle powder and/or smoked paprika in there someplace. and beer!) not sure about the details, i wasn't paying that close attention because i never have to cook turkey any more - T-day is always at my inlaw's house. here's some good info: (brining instructions on this site also) http://www.eatturkey.com/consumer/thanks.html i like to take things that sound the best from different recipes and combine them to make my own creation - although i guess T-day isn't really the right time to experiment this site has lots of recipes and leftover ideas also - the first stuffing recipe sounds delish but i don't like stuffing to be cooked inside the turkey. http://www.mealtime.org/default.aspx?id=461 hope it all works out for you, i'd definitely try the brining step if i were cooking one this year!
i just found out about this offer of comcast's yesterday when i was searching around for parental controls for my son's PC (he's been hitting google lately after watching me use it a couple of times - google has some fun listings as i'm sure y'all have noticed - beastiality came up recently when i was searching for "kids laptop"). i wanted to be able to limit his use to just the websites that i have in his bookmarks. i loaded the virus scan on mine and the parental control one (privacy one) on his. lo and behold, with the privacy one - when you "block ads" alot of the little web game sites won't load at all ! sneaky snarky bast-ahds. so i have to allow ads (i still blocked pop ups) to let him play these idiotic (to me) webgames that he loves. (he vascillates between console and PC). i warned him/explained to him about banner ads and advised not to click on them *EVER* on pain of never getting to use the internet ever again. sigh.
Non-humans to overtake humans on the Internet!
calgon replied to ROM-DOS's topic in General Discussion
cylons! -
i have a whopping 6 gigs right now. old HD just bit the dust. luckily i did back up pics and songs just recently. shopping around now for an external. i say backup is the way to go, i'm glad i did!
i have an 8 year old going on 15. he already has (hand me down from dad) and knows how to use a desktop PC, but asked for a "toy" laptop from santa, along with a digital camera. there really doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there when it comes to either. does anyone have any suggestions? i've perused the vtech line and the oregon scientific offerings and they are pretty much in the right price range, but man - you would think manufacturers could come up with some decent graphics! and they really seemed geared for really young kids. well, he is young, but he already reads at an 8th grade level, so we don't need phonics or begininng literacy - but advanced math and geography would be great - and some spanish would help. if only i could get one of those $100 jobs from MIT....more expensive than the toy ones, but waaaay more useful. (dang, i guess only kids in 3rd world countries are going to get to use those.) more power to them, though, i hope they do!!! as for the digital camera, so far i'm looking at the "che-ez" mini camera (target has it for $30) but would love other suggestions. possibly might get him a cheap little personal MP3 player also (he's played some songs on winamp on his PC to death and i'm sick of hearing them - ryan cabrera, a skate/punk song from some xbox game, a japanese chick singing the theme from some game - arrrrgh) so santa wants to go tech this year, he/she needs some advice for this odd age prerequisite!! please!!!!