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Everything posted by ROM-DOS

  1. The Pirate Bay Back Online Thomas Mennecke True to its defiant nature, The Pirate Bay is again indexing many of the same .torrent files that made it wildly popular. News of The Pirate Bay's resurrection comes as little surprise. The Pirate Bay spokesperson "brokep" promised Slyck.com the site would resolve under a different country's flag if an immediate resolution could not be reached in Sweden.
  2. OMG ~ first it's your love affair with spiders ~ now it's your eyesight!
  3. You can't see these?
  4. I think these Ads showing up in OUR siggys SUX ~ unless your going to share the royalties with whom's sig it appears in. I thought one of the "rules" were not to advertise commercial sites in your signatures!! ~ what's up with that now!
  5. ROM-DOS

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    lol ~ I meant that in a secret sorta way ~ I can't even imagine what it would feel if I were in a forum of all females? {well, maybe I could ~ but I wouldn't want to hang there for long (maybe)}
  6. . . .but we can still post in the nude, can't we ~ lol
  7. ROM-DOS

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    tommie ~ I'll bet you anything we'll never see 17 females in here! ~ lol I doubt we'll ever see more than 3 and that's pushing it. . . .besides, the two we have more than make up for the babes we don't! :haha: not really ~ lol
  8. I would make sure this is'nt a false positive . Over-sensitivity in the automatic detection of viruses (or heuristics) leading to false alarms about virus infection is something of an Achilles Hell for anti-virus scanners, which by their nature need frequent updating. I would try another scanner, there are a few on-line ones; www.housecall.trendmicro.com/ www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner www.pandasoftware.com/activescan
  9. ROM-DOS

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    . . .going back over the last 101 days there have been 23 female members logged on to TMN w19 at some point actively posting. Only two females have earned seasoned status to be members of the Members Only Lounge ~ lol Man ~ that sux the big one!! ~ lol this of course, is not taking into consideration that at least 1 out 12 in here are 'really' tri-sexual.
  10. Visual Tour: 20 Things You Won't Like About Windows Vista By Scot Finnie . . .Microsoft is focused on casting off its yoke as the industry's security whipping boy. It's also intent on raising the bar to 64-bit architecture, driving the need for advanced video hardware and dual-core motherboards and pushing the RAM standard to 2GB -- all to help spur hardware and software sales over the next several years. Even though there are many great aspects of Windows Vista, taken as a whole, this next one could be Microsoft's first significant operating system failure in quite some time -- at least, as it's configured in Beta 2. Here are the 20 Vista behaviors and functionalities that could turn off Windows users. Windows newbies may not mind some of these things, but they will definitely try the patience of the millions of Windows users who've got real experience and muscle memory invested in Microsoft's desktop operating system. Read the full 13 page article for the complete review; 1. Little originality, sometimes with a loss of elegance. 2. Price. 3. Version control. 4. Installation takes forever. 5. Faulty assumption on the Start Menu. 6. Media Center isn't all there and falls flat. 7. Lack of Windows Sidebar Gadgets. 8. Problems without solutions. 9. Windows Defender Beta 2 is buggy. 10. Where are the file menus? 11. Display settings have changed for no apparently good reason. 12. Too many Network Control Panel applets, wizards and dialogs. 13. Network settings user experience went backwards. 14. Windows peer networking is still balky. 15. Some first-blush networking peeves. 16. No way to access the Administrator account in Vista Beta 2. 17. Two words: Secure Desktop. 18. User Account Controls $#^%!~!!!. 19. Aero stratification will cause businesses woe. 20. Minimum video system requirements are more like maximum. . . .potentially you could see four separate versions of Vista on store shelves, as well as both upgrade and full-install variations. The Home Basic version lacks Media Center, Tablet PC, Windows Aero support, Windows DVD Maker, Windows Fax and Scan, Windows Movie Maker for HD, and other features for corporate settings and backup. The plain truth is this: Don't buy a new PC or notebook with Home Basic. And if your existing hardware won't support anything but Home Basic, there's little reason to upgrade -- especially in a business setting. But even home users stand to gain very little from a Home Basic upgrade. Home Premium is a perfectly reasonable version of Vista for home users. It's not the power user's version, but it's more than serviceable for advanced digital media and gaming pursuits. The Business and Enterprise versions of Vista lack Media Center support and many of the digital media features. Most of what they add in is aimed at IT manageability, but a few features -- such as Fax and Scan, scheduled user data backup, Windows Shadow Copy, system image-based backup and recovery, and the ability to host Remote Desktop sessions -- probably belong in all the Vista versions. To get those features while also keeping Media Center and digital media features, you have to move all the way up to the top of the list and spring for Windows Vista Ultimate. It'll probably come as no surprise that while Vista Business will be perfectly fine in enterprise settings, home and small business users who possess the latest and greatest hardware with media features will gravitate to the most expensive version of Vista. So would it be surprising for Windows Vista Ultimate to have a suggested retail price of $329, $339 or $349? Don't bet against it. I don't see Microsoft effectively lowering the price of Vista Home Premium (akin to XP Home) or Vista Business/Enterprise (akin to XP Pro) -- especially when it's merging Tablet PC and Media Center features in many of these lesser versions. Copyright
  11. ROM-DOS

    Please Vote!

    disturbed ~ I believe all those that voted yes ~ didn't vote yes for PORN ~ lol The Question was: Do you think we should continue allowing adult content in the Lounge? 'adult content' as defined already in 'Content Notice' was taken to mean ~ "profanity and nudity (in good taste and usually only in good humor)" I have already expressed, in a sense, that this vote doesn't really matter to me. But I voted yes because I'm a Freedom Fighter. Not a Freedom Fighter for Porn nor profanity, but for a more laid back informal place that members can express themselves without the formal censorships we all try to display (sometimes) in the main forums. And if that means having a warning (here in the lounge) that some topics may have adult content, so be it. I think most of us have enough common sense to know the difference between Porn (XXX private acts and parts) and T & A. I've already posted that I think if anyone thinks they have the need to post some pics of T & A that they should do so by posting a link to it and have a Warning: Nudity or Adult Content. I don't see any thing wrong with that here in the lounge. . . and remember; humor should be a big part for the reason for the link. There are millions of forums out there, blogs and other humorous sites that just state the fact that there may be Mature Adult Content on their sites and Warnings our posted out of common decency and respect for others that may not want to view it or they just say ~ may not be suitable for minors under 16. As far as I'm concerned, if you have children under the age of 13 or 14 surfing the web unsupervised ~ there's something wrong with you as a parent and by the time your children are 13 or 14, you should have already talked with them about what's appropriate and what is not, when they are on the net. So let's just remember to follow standard netiquette 101. " While we all have the right to speak our minds freely ~ there are certain rules that we should all adhered to. Free-speech does not amount to the ability to post anything, and everything, that one would like to say, but rather, allows for a fair and interactive conversation to take place without the fear of reprisal." Which means it is also important to remember to be as clear in your intent as possible while communicating on the net, as with Warnings and such.. . .also, textual communications do not always afford clear representations, ie. ~ sarcasm. . . again, just use 'common sense' when posting to avoid any confusions, ie. ~ j/k or emoticons. Warning: You may have just read this post without any understanding of what I didn't say ~ lol 'cause I don't ~ lol
  12. Dell will provide laptops with Skype pre-installed "Well, now we can definitely says Dell is the winner. Besides Google software, laptops made under Dell's trademark shall also come with the popular and free VoIP application Skype pre-installed. The weird thing is that the owner of Skype is San Jose-based Web auctioneer eBay, which actually fights Google on the market, because of the alliance with Yahoo. Now they'll just have to co-exist on our Dell-made computers..." "As the leading notebook supplier, Dell is committed to delivering cutting-edge technology that provides voice and video connectivity virtually anywhere," said Brett Faulk, worldwide marketing director, consumer notebooks. "Teaming with Skype, the trend setter in Internet communications, will provide our customers the very best experience when reaching out and staying in touch with friends and family around the world." "Dell chose Skype to be pre-installed on its new mobile computers because it boasts 100 million subscribers, making it "extremely attractive," said Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden. "For the No. 1 supplier of notebooks to team up with a leading Internet communication company like Skype, it's really a good relationship for both." Skype will come bundled with Dell's new XPS M2010 "portable entertainment PC" and its XPS M1210, a lightweight laptop, which were both unveiled Wednesday. The XPS M2010 sells for $3,500 and the "ultraportable" XPS M1210 is priced at $1,300." "All the laptops equipped with Skype will own a build-in web-cam and wireless capabilities that will allow users to speak freely using the VoIP technology, whether they're using a mobile telephone or Bluetooth headsets." For more info on Dell's XPS laptops; http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6078433.html
  13. . . .that'll cost ya! nothing is free. ~ lol
  14. ROM-DOS

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    tdawnaz ~ I'm not stompin my feet! ~ lol ~ I'm just laughing at the two sidedness of all this ~ either you can follow the terms of use or leave ~ well, don't leave, unless you need to!! . . .as for the nudity and ADULT content, as long as it's (in good taste and usually only in good humor) I don't have a problem. . .if you do ~ well, follow CA3LE's warning and leave (or choose not to view it). What does gripe me is ~ when the "Moral Majority" can't understand why it's so hard to make choices for themselves, but then want to make choices for everyone else! ~ even if they can't understand that or accept Notices or terms of use, I don't understand why this is such an issue ~ besides that fact that I have to be cautious also around my family members if I decide to view adult content when I'm on the net. It comes down to taking responsibilties for your own choices ~ not everyone else's.
  15. Skyhook Wireless Wi-Fi Database Now Includes Coverage In Top 100 U.S. Cities, Totaling More Than 8 Million Access Points May 31, 2006 http://www.directionsmag.com/press.releases/?duty=Show&id=14432&trv=1
  16. LOL ~ This video will be played from www.youtube.com. . . .I think I could make a site that just links to other sites and call it; Link & Park & Ride
  17. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-14368
  18. http://www.getitfree.net/680430/
  19. ROM-DOS

    Please Vote!

    Members Only Lounge Rules of Posting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ Content Notice ~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please note, in this section profanity and nudity (in good taste and usually only in good humor) are allowed because it's out of the general publics eye. Viewing this section of testmy.net as with any section of testmy.net is at your own risk per our terms of use seen in our legal section. By visiting this restricted section of testmy.net you are acknowledging that you are of age to view such content according to any local laws. If you are too young or don't wish to see edgy laid-back content then please direct yourself to our many other sections of testmy.net where this content is not allowed (all sections of testmy.net besides the members only board are clean family content only). If you do not agree with our terms and conditions then you need to leave because you will be in violation of the terms of use. . . .OK ~ everyone that voted "NO" must realize that you did not agree with the "Content Notice" terms and conditions and if you are still here, you must also realize that you are in violation of the terms of use!! . . .OH you @#$% out-laws . . .if we do have a recount ~ you better think twice about these gross violations of the terms of the "Content Notice" ~ lol j/k (maybe) . . .I think CA3LE was just testing everyone ~ lol [violators will be asked to leave] ~ lol
  20. LOL ~ the first video I clicked on (Halo 3 Trailer) said "This video will be played from view.break.com."
  21. AMD Announces Dual-Socket, Dual-Core '4x4' Platform By Mark Hachman Advanced Micro Devices is expected to announce a new dual-core, dual-processor platform later Thursday, in an attempt to roll over the competition in the enthusiast computing space. Dubbed "4x4", the new enthusiast platform will debut at AMD's Technology Day in its headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. Two Taiwan ODM system makers will launch 4x4 systems beginning in the second half of 2006, AMD executives said. Patrick Moorhead, AMD's vice president of marketing, declined to comment directly on a report by RBC Capital Markets analyst Apjit Walia, which postulated that AMD was in a position to merge with or acquire Canadian graphics giant ATI Technologies. "I think that there's a lot to gain coming out with graphics folks," Moorhead said. "We're not a go-at-it alone type company; we're walking hand in hand with more folks." When asked if Dell would be that customer, Moorhead initially remained silent. Dell acquired Alienware in March as an independent subsidiary, and Alienware former chief executive Nelson Gonzalez explained that his company would have the freedom to choose microprocessors from whatever supplier it wished. Dell's main PC division, however, has never marketed a PC with an AMD processor. "We would always welcome Dell as a customer," Moorhead said. "I think it's going to be hard to play in the enthusiast space and ignore us." 4X4: the enthusiast market, evolved According to Moorhead, the company's resurgence in the microprocessor market was built upon offering superior products to enthusiasts. In 2001, the company began preaching the virtues of performance measured in transactions per clock, rather than pure megahertz. In 2003, the Athlon FX offered an "unlocked" version of the microprocessor, returning enthusiasts to the early days of the PC, when users could push CPUs to their limits, Moorhead said. The 4x4 initiative will be directly targeted at enthusiasts, according to Moorhead. Each socket will include an AMD Athlon64 X2 chip in a new AM2 socket, although what limitations will be placed on the clock speed will not be released until a future date, he said. Each socket will be connected using AMD's "Direct Connect" architecture, which already provides a dedicated channel from each of the CPU cores out to the system memory, and to each other. Due to the nature of the Direct Connect architecture, each CPU can access the other's dedicated memory store. The 4x4 board will also tweak the front-side bus speed, according to Moorhead. The 4x4 architecture will use unbuffered, non-ECC DIMMs and AMD's "Pacifica" virtualization technology. "It's not a warmed-over workstation board," he said. Moorhead also declined to comment on what type of cooling solution the new boards will require. Although AMD launched a line of 35-watt low-power desktop CPUs earlier this month, the company's standard Athlon64 and Athlon64 X2 processors will consume a maximum of 89 watts. "Expect a really unique cooling solution," Moorhead said. Copyright
  22. Yahoo introduces improved video service By Nancy Gohring, IDG News Service Yahoo on Thursday launched a new site designed to make it easier for Web users to find and share videos. The site builds on Yahoo's existing video search capability and will compete with video search services from Google, AOL, Microsoft's MSN, and other video-sharing sites like YouTube.com and MySpace.com. Visitors to http://video.yahoo.com/ can store their favorite videos, browse based on category, and upload their own videos to the site. Site visitors can review and rate videos and also embed the Yahoo Video player in their own Web sites or blogs to share videos. Copyright
  23. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/bonecho/releases/2.0a3.html
  24. ROM-DOS


    Try booting up in Safe Mode ~ then run your AV, again. [i love Trojans ~ if you want to do it yourself, just find the bugger, usually in Windowssystem32 and start listing by date and time ~ it's usaually at the top of the list ~ lol]
  25. Chicago seeks city-wide wireless Internet access Chicago could soon become the world's largest Internet cafe now that the city hall has put out a request for bids to build a city-wide wireless Internet system. The goal is to provide inexpensive -- or even free -- Internet access to all residents in order to help Chicago bridge the digital divide, Mayor Richard Daley said in a statement Tuesday. "In technology, as in too many other areas of our society, there's a wide gap between the haves and have-nots," Daley said. "It's known as the digital divide - and the people on the wrong side of the divide generally have lower incomes and less education." According to one estimate the city cited, even though Internet use has been on the rise among most Americans, 80 percent of households with incomes below 50,000 dollars a year remain unconnected. The city of Chicago will offer the long-term use of its infrastructure, such as street lights and lamp poles to a private firm or consortium to use to set up the antennas used to broadcast a high-speed wireless network. The provider would have to: commit to keep rates low; provide access even in the city's poorest neighborhoods; offer free access in schools, public parks and other destination "hot spots"; and support digital inclusion projects to make computers more widely available to low-income residents. Chicago was the first big American city to have free wireless Internet access throughout its public library system. Other public "hot spots" currently include Millennium Park, the Cultural Center and Daley Plaza. "When we make modern computer and Internet technology available across Chicago, we are giving every person in Chicago the same chance for a good life," Daley said. "We're improving our children's education. We're working to end poverty. We're creating a more modern, sophisticated workforce. And, most important, we're creating hope and opportunity." Copyright AFP 2005,
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